Lamps | Mirror | Similar Dresser | Rug | Rocker | Pillow
I’m officially done with my Christmas shopping this year! I’m pretty proud of myself. While I think I am pretty organized in most areas of my life when it comes to Christmas I am a hot mess. I usually wait until the last minute to buy gifts and then I’m in a scramble to get it all done. My plan is to get my Christmas cards done this week and mailed out. And then wrap presents this weekend. I feel so ahead this year and I’m proud of myself!
Sloane has been potty trained for a couple of months now. And the other day, I decided to get rid of her changing pad and redecorate her dresser a bit. It’s such a small change, but one that I am excited for. Next will be her big girl bed which I am already starting to plan. I can’t wait to give her the cutest bedroom!
All of her current décor will be included in her big girl room plus some additions. When I designed her nursery, I wanted to buy items that would grow with her. I’m sure she will want to add some touches to her room when she gets a little older and has more of a say, which I am totally on board with. I ended up ordering her this side table for her room over Black Friday because it was such a good deal.
I plan to add a lamp like this one and this is the bed I’m pretty sure I want for her. Although, I also think her room would be adorable with a daybed like this one. Her room is kind of oddly shaped (gotta love old homes) so a daybed might work well and give her more space to play. But I don’t want to buy something that will only last a few years either.
I plan on doing a whole post on her big girl room plans so stay tuned! I still have time too- we are in no rush to get her out of crib where she is safe lol. This is just me being crazy and needing another project to decorate 🙂

Sweatshirt | Dress | Blocks
Doll | Tonies Figurine | Band-aides
Figurine Castle | Stickers | Water Bottle
1- Sloane has been obsessed with Frozen lately! I’m not even sure where it came from- I think school. She came home one day and they had done a Frozen activity and then she asked to watch the movie. No idea how she knew there was a movie, but it has now been on repeat at our home! I went down a rabbit hole one night trying to find some cute Frozen gifts and this is what I came up with!
2- These Ugg boots are always my go-to’s this time of year. And I found them stocked in all sizes here! They are just so warm and comfy and work with everything. It took me awhile to get on board because I wore them nonstop in college. And I thought maybe I was too old. But I love them haha. I prefer the mini size to the ultra mini– they are just a tad higher than the ultra minis. A few years ago, I ordered the ultra minis and sent them back. I personally didn’t like that you could see your socks when you wore them. But I know a lot of people don’t even wear socks so it’s totally a personal preference.

Doormat | Ice Maker | Keurig | Candle | Vacuum Mop | Journal | Ornament | Digital Picture Frame | Heart Ornament | Coffee Mug | Memory Book | Silhouette Art
3- I never shared my Gifts for Grandparents guide in a separate blog post so I’m sharing it here. Lots of cute ideas! I love the idea of this memory book or this cute things my granddaughter says and does book. They can be customized too. I personally want this vacuum mop– I’ve heard so many great things about it too. It would have been so nice to have when Sloane first started eating and everything ended up on the floor lol. My in-laws have a digital picture frame similar to this one and Sloane loves to look at it every time she is over there. It’s fun for her to see her cousins and other family members.
4- Someday I would love to learn to needlepoint and I would love to make stockings for all of us. Although, I’ve heard it can be very time consuming! In the meantime, I’ve heard so many great things about these stockings from Land’s End. Not only are they beautiful and high quality but they are rather inexpensive!
5- This kids play purse might be my favorite gift I got for Sloane. I think it’s adorable and the quality is really good too. She loves to act like she has a purse and walk around with something on her shoulder- it’s really cute! So I’m excited she will have her own. Comes in lots of different colors!
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xoxox Amanda
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