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I cannot even believe that my little baby is now a half a year old and we are celebrating her 6 month birthday. It is true and cliche what everyone says, but it really does go by so fast. When I think about what has transpired over the last 6 months, we have really come a long way. And somehow I can’t remember what life was like before she was here.
Sloane has grown leaps and bounds over these past few months. She was sooo tiny when we first brought her home. And today she is just the chunkiest baby with the cutest rolls ever. Sloane is the best baby ever. Seriously after hearing about others experiences, I’m convinced she is not normal because she’s so good. She can sleep anywhere, go with the flow and even when we get her out of her routine, she’s a true champ.
This past month, she rolled for the first time and now every time I lay her on her back she rolls over to her belly. And then screams because she hates tummy time and wants to go back to her back haha. We have heard her giggle, which is the absolute cutest thing ever! I don’t think I will ever get sick of hearing that. It’s adorable and comes out of no where. Although she always thinks its funny when her Dad gives her lots of smooches.
We will be starting foods this month, which I’m sure Sloane will love because she loves to eat! But I’m a little nervous and hesitant. I feel like we have finally got our little routine down and them bam, it’s all going to change again. Eventually we will find our new rhythm again.
I feel so honored and lucky that I have been able to spend every day with her these last 6 months. Things will soon change as she starts daycare in a couple of months. But there is not one day that I take for granted the amount of time I’ve been able to spend with my baby.
A couple of weeks ago we saw some friends from Chicago. And when we left Chicago, their baby girl was about the same age Sloane is now. So when we saw her recently she is now so much bigger, walking with the help of others, crawling, eating real foods, etc. On the way home, I mentioned to Kurt that it is crazy to think that will be Sloane in just a few more months. I honestly can’t wait for all of the fun things we have coming our way.
Cheers to Sloane’s half birthday!
xoxox Amanda
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