Today is our 7th wedding anniversary!! I truly do not know where time has gone. How has it been 7 years?!?! And overall we have been together for 14 years. Somehow we have survived haha. I thought it would be fun to look back and share 7 of my favorite memories with Kurt.
1. Our Wedding Day
I know this is really cliche to say and everyone probably feels this way, but our wedding day was one of the best days of my life. I remember having SO much fun and feeling so much love that day from all our family and best friends. First off, we got incredibly lucky with the weather. It had snowed the weekend before, but May 24, 2014 rolled around and we had full on sun and 70 degree weather. I was so excited to see Kurt that day that we couldn’t stop talking to each other the whole time in the church. No clue what we were even saying to each other, but I remember my mom putting her finger over her mouth to get us to stop talking haha!
This was 7 years ago, so we were still in that party mode and that is exactly what we did! The second dinner was done, I was on that dance floor and didn’t leave all night long. I remember at one point Kurt’s favorite techno music came on and out came the glow sticks haha. I didn’t plan this part, but our friends surprised us with them and they were perfect. We felt so much love!

^^Celebrating our first anniversary in NYC
And probably the most epic part of the day was me bawling at the end of the night haha! We had picked the last song to be played, so I knew once that came on the night would be wrapping up. I was so sad the day was coming to an end that the tears just started to flow! I had always dreamed big when it came to my wedding and the day was everything I could have ever wanted. Kurt still says to this day our wedding was one of the best, but I always tell him, yes but that is because it was our day. Everyone feels that way on their wedding day. It was one to remember!
2. Traveling to Charleston
Our favorite city! We have actually been to Charleston twice now and we just love it. The old charm and delicious food is just some of our favorite things about the city. We could get lost for hours walking around the neighborhoods there and looking at all of the beautiful old homes. I swear if we had family and knew friends that lived down there- we would contemplate moving there. But for now, we will just visit! And I can’t wait to go back again someday.

^^Second wedding anniversary in Chicago
3. Announcing Our Pregnancy
This one is defiantly more recent (read our announcement here), but it was really a week we will both never forget. We had a very long and hard journey to get to the point (read my post here on our IVF journey), but it made it that much sweeter when we did have success. I’ve never felt so much love from our family and friends as I did after we made it official on social media. Kurt and I were taken over by emotion and all week swapped stories of people reaching out to us and congratulating us. It is something I will never forget!
4. Walking Thru Infertility Together
This is probably a strange one to have on here. But going thru our infertility journey together made us so much stronger as a couple. I would never choose to have gone thru what we had to, but I can be grateful for the lessons it taught us. For whatever reason, we were meant to go thru what we did. And in the end we are stronger than ever because of it. We learned to talk more openly- and not fight. Actually talk thru matters. Kurt made me feel so safe and was always open to discuss and work thru my feelings. He never once judged me and in the end I just felt so much love for him. Not that we didn’t have a good foundation prior to IVF, but I know now we are stronger than ever….and we can get thru anything!

^^Year #3 in Chicago!
5. Getting Addie
Addie completely changed our lives when we got her! She was probably the hardest puppy ever. I mean, she still is pretty difficult, but those puppy days were intense! She had so much energy, never slept and chewed everything. Kurt and I learned so much from her about communication and working together. She also made us so much more active and we love to explore the city with her and take her on long walks. We love that dog fiercely and I cannot believe that we have had her for almost six whole years. I truly cannot imagine life without this dog!

^^Celebrating 4 years together in Chicago
6. Our Trip to Disney World
Most people don’t do Disney until you have kids, but we decided to book a trip just the two of us (read my post here). And I have to say it was so much fun! Exhausting, but a lot of fun. It was so nice to not have to worry about stroller parking, nap schedules or a crying kid and truly get to enjoy the magic of Disney. We were able to see tons of what the parks had to offer so we were exhausted haha. It was one of the best trips ever! I know someday we will go back with kids, but it’s so fun to say we got to experience it first hand just the two of us.
7. Quarantining Together
And last but not least- quarantining together! I really think this either makes or breaks a couple. And for us, we have made it! We have spent the past year plus some sleeping, eating, working together 24/7…..and I love it. I love spending time with Kurt, I love knowing what goes on with him during the day, I love having lunch with him, I love that I don’t have to call or text him if I need him, I love hearing about his drivers and the issues going on, etc. I never knew I could spend so much time with someone and actually enjoy it. But we have somehow made it work.
Happy Anniversary Kurt Faber- I love you and I have a feeling this is going to be our best year yet!
xoxox Amanda

^^5 year anniversary in San Diego

^^And year 6- spent at home in Chicago during quarantine!
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