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The world is still a little unknown and while we have all done our best to adapt to these new changes, things just look a little different than what we are use to. As the world slowly starts to open back up, today I thought I would share 7 things that have made me happy lately.
7 Things That Have Made Me Happy Lately
1.Good Skincare
I have finally found some really great products lately and my skin has been loving them all! I think I might end up doing a more in depth blog post on these new products because I have so much to say about them! But I’ve started using this serum a couple times a week at night and OMG the glow you get the next morning! I’ve also been using this sunscreen daily and wow, has it done wonders for my skin. I’m super impressed with it.
2. Getting Dressed in Real Clothes
Don’t get me wrong, I am all about a pair of leggings and a comfy sweatshirt. But a couple days a week, I try to get a little more dressed up like I did in this picture. And what a difference it can make in your mood and attitude. By the way I just got this button down and I love the oversized fit of it. It’s kind of the best of both worlds- its cozy and not restricting, but you look a little more put together.
3. A Hair Appointment Has Been Made!
Guys my hair is on a whole other level! And I promise you I’m not exaggerating. I’m usually on a strict every six week schedule and its now been 16 LONG weeks haha. My hairdresser sent me a text the other day and I have an appointment for mid-June. Fingers crossed this doesn’t change because I honestly might shed a tear.
I also think this quarantine has opened my eyes a bit especially when it comes to my hair. I was chatting with Kurt the other day and I was telling him how much money I’ve saved on just my hair alone! So, I think I’m going to keep my extensions out, give in to my natural, darker roots and try a little balayage. I’m excited to see how it turns out. And if I hate it, I can always change it!
4. A Good Cup of Coffee
For some reason, more so lately, I have really been enjoying a nice, hot cup of coffee. Its one of the little joys I cherish every morning. My favorite k-cups are these and I drink my coffee black!
5. The Perfect Nude Lipstick
I realize I’m probably not the norm here, but I still put makeup AND lipstick on every morning. It makes me feel good! And I’ve found the perfect nude lipstick. I’ve being wearing this lipstick in color Kim K.W. topped with this gloss in color Aura and it’s amazing. I’m typically a light pink kind of girl all day long, but lately I’ve been turning to this nude. It looks natural, but adds a little color to your lips and face. It’s been my go to since I got it.
6. Self- Tanner
I’m typically not one to use self-tanner. Maybe here and there I might use it. Or get it done professionally. But usually I just rock my natural pale legs. Lately, I’ve been applying this self-tanner about 2-3 times a week and what a difference it makes in my mood haha. I feel so much better about myself and how I look. The key to using this self-tanner is this mitt. It seems silly and like you are just wasting $7, but I’m the worst at applying anything even to my skin and with this mitt, I wake up streak free.
7. Sunshine
I swear my mood is instantly lifted when the sun is out. It’s a nice reminder that there are still good things out there. Even if its still chilly or breezy, for whatever reason when the sun is out I’m just happier!
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xoxox Amanda
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