I’ve waited years to be able to make this announcement, but I’ve had a hard time trying to articulate exactly what to say. We have hoped and prayed for a long time for this day and it feels surreal to say- Kurt and I are so excited, elated, emotional, but most of all grateful to be announcing that Baby Faber will be joining us this September!!! We (among many, many others) have prayed for this little miracle. Our little rainbow baby.
This has not been an easy journey for us to say the least. I’ve been stuck with thousands of needles (literally). I’ve had more doctors appointments then you can count. We have been doing doing IVF for close to 3 years and I’ve had a total of 11 surgeries (7 egg retrieval’s and 4 hysterscopies), 8 embryo transfers, 1 D&E surgery, 2 ERA biopsies, 3 opinions from top fertility doctors in Chicago. And had the heard breaking conversation with one doctor suggesting we move onto a surrogate.
This was a day, I truly wasn’t sure would ever happen. After our doctor who we had been with for many years suggested we use a surrogate, I just couldn’t get out of the back of my mind that seemingly she couldn’t tell me exactly what was wrong and why it wasn’t working. I was honestly all for surrogacy- it is a beautiful thing. And the thought of never having to do another progesterone in oil shot made be realllllly happy (those are the worst shots and when you get pregnant you are usually on them until about 10 weeks). That is until I started to do more research and realized just how expensive it is. I’m talking six figures, all out of pocket. Surrogacy is an amazing thing, but I always knew it would be there. I couldn’t get over this itching feeling that I needed to keep trying.
We decided to seek out another opinion and I did a ton of research and found the most incredible doctor! We did a lot of things differently and while it was scary, the change was welcomed. After doing 4 egg retrieval’s with this new doctor, lots of testing, we decided to move onto our first transfer (overall transfer #8) and it just happened to stick! And here we are. I plan on going back and documenting a more detailed post as to where our journey left off so stay tuned!
I thank my lucky stars for this little miracle every day. Kurt and I celebrate every little ‘win’ and milestone. And I think every other day I say to Kurt, I just cannot believe we are here. It’s crazy how things can change literally overnight.
If you are struggling with IVF or infertility- I see you. And would be more than happy to connect with you to share my story in more depth. As you can see, I feel like I have a master’s degree now in IVF haha. We have been through a lot over the years.
To the people who have prayed for us, cried with us, listened to us, fought for us when we didn’t have the strength- THANK YOU!! You have no idea how much we needed it because I don’t think people truly understand the IVF world unless you have gone thru it. And now I will go cry happy tears all night because I am so unbelievably grateful to be where we are!
xoxox Amanda

Kurt’s Outfit: Top, similar here and here | Jeans | Shoes
Addie’s Bandana, similar here
More IVF Posts:
Our Infertility Journey Part 2: IVF
An Update After Our IVF Transfer
Photos by Sarah Chobanian
Congratulations! Thank you for always being so open and honest with your journey! Sending you prayers and hugs
Dearest Kurt and Amanda,
So thrilled for you and your family, This heavenly angel will be so blessed and loved. I wish you both all the happiness and Love and Joy.
May God Bless you with a very boring pregnancy, but a fantastic delivery. Much Love and Happiness for God’s miracle, Love, Linda Rettray