Week 34 (Dress)
Every Monday I would put this little black dress on and ask Kurt to take a picture of me. It’s so fun to look back at how big my belly would grow. Most weeks, I didn’t want to do it because it was hard enough to get dressed every day, let alone throwing on a dress for a picture haha. This was taken the morning I went to the hospital and the next day little Sloane was born. I’m so glad I decided to take that picture that day and not put it off like I did some weeks! It’s my last belly pic!
So we all know that little Sloane is here already. It was all such a blur and happened so fast that I was never able to get my third trimester recap out. I would make little notes in my phone every week and I still want to remember those times and share them.
Overall, I had a very easy and uneventful pregnancy as I like to call it. But entering into the third trimester changed a lot. I was really starting to feel the weight of baby growing and the aches and pains were really amplified. My belly felt huge! There was so much I wanted to get done, but I had zero motivation to do anything, which is not like me at all. I really relied on Kurt to do stuff around the house. And I rested a lot when needed. This was so hard for me because we had just moved into our home! And there were a million things I wanted to do around the house. But like I said, had zero motivation haha.
At 28 weeks Addie and I officially moved to Michigan. We left Kurt and the kittens behind in Chicago for a week because I was really anxious to see my new OB. It was so hard being away from Kurt and the animals for a week, but it was a small blip in the road. It’s hard when you don’t have your routine. That week I stayed with my in-laws which I am so grateful for. I was also able to coordinate our floors getting re-finished in our new home and the painting in our home was also wrapping up that week. I was getting all the last minute preparations for our move.
Also at 28 weeks, I started to see my new OB. This transition was a little harder on me than I had thought it would be. My previous OB in Chicago was amazing. And I was getting ‘special’ treatment with extra ultrasounds and monitoring. Once I moved I didn’t get that because they saw me as a health pregnancy. Which is fine! But I sort of loved the extra attention haha.
28 weeks was also a big week because I had to take my glucose test. This is where you drink a nasty drink and they draw your blood. Everyone always says how bad the drink is, but I didn’t think it was that bad. It tasted like really bad Sprite, but still doable. I ended up failing that test haha and had to do the three hour long version the following week.
Week 29 is when we officially moved into our home! Moving day was crazy but we were finally home! I have to admit, it was kind of nice being pregnant and moving because I couldn’t really do much. But at the same time, I felt so guilty because a lot fell onto Kurt. We knew this was how it would be and Kurt was ok with all of this, but I still felt a lot of guilt for not being able to help out like I usually do.
At 29 weeks, I felt baby hiccup for the first time which was such a fun thing to feel. It felt like very persistent tapping and it was low in my belly. I knew she was head down because I had asked about her position at my last doctors appointment so I knew it had to be her hiccuping. I also started to experience heartburn very badly this week. It even kept me up a few nights! Honestly, I never want to go thru that again because it felt like I was having a heart attack it was so bad and painful. Nothing seemed to work either. After that I was always super careful on what I ate and how much!
And since I failed my glucose test at 28 weeks, I had to take the long three hour test at week 29- which I ended up passing thankfully! For three days, I had to follow a special diet. And I had to fast for an entire morning and have four blood draws done on the hour. And I also had to drink three of those nasty drinks! It was not very fun, but I was so relieved when I passed and didn’t have to be on a special diet for the balance of my pregnancy.
The week after we moved into our new home and at 30 weeks, we woke up Saturday morning to our entire basement being flooded. Come to find out, the entire city had flooded that day too. We were just starting to get settled in the new home and now this big curveball was thrown at us. Luckily, Kurt and his brother were able to get the water all out, but after that there was still a lot of work that had to be done, which all fell on Kurt. I wasn’t able to lift anything and we didn’t want me around any of our wet belongings because of potential mold.
In the end we didn’t lose that much stuff. I had some clothes and some decor items (like my Christmas tree :() that got ruined. But we were lucky and din’t have too much in our basement. And our basement isn’t finished. The worst part is our AC got zapped and we went without that for about three weeks. It was awful! Luckily, we had a window AC unit that the previous owners left us. They used it up on our third floor because it gets really hot up there. We ended up putting it in our bedroom for some relief during the night. And I would work in there during the day. If we didn’t have that, I don’t think I would have survived haha.
Sadly, that same Saturday of the flood, I was suppose to have a shower in Grosse Pointe that Kurt’s aunt was throwing for me. And we had to cancel it. The whole city was a mess and we just couldn’t risk it.
But luckily my shower my best friend, Erin, threw me that Sunday was still on. So we still got to celebrate and have some fun. It was nice to to see my girlfriends and just relax after a crazy last few weeks! You can see some pictures of the showers here. I was obsessed with my cake and it was just as good as it looked! I may have eaten two cupcakes that day haha.
The 4th of July was the following weekend when I turned 31 weeks. We saw lots of family that we had not seen in over a year. It was so nice to see everyone and catch up. Kurt’s aunts also showered us with gifts that weekend!
Week 32 I had a prenatal massage that Kurt had gotten me for Mother’s Day. And OMG- it felt absolutely amazing!! I actually fell asleep on the table, which I’ve never done before. It felt that good. It also felt amazing because they had this special table and I was able to lay head down. The table had a special cut out for pregnant women. That in itself was amazing!
I also had maternity photos taken when I was 32 weeks pregnant by the very talented Lulu and Lula Photography. You can see them here, here, here, here and here. I am so incredibly glad I ended up doing them because I will always cherish them! It was so much fun to have my hair and makeup done and to celebrate this amazing experience I was able to go thru.
Week 33 we headed up to Traverse City for my last shower that my mom threw for us. It was a beautiful day and we felt so loved! We almost didn’t make it though! Originally we were planning on leaving on a Friday afternoon and it was raining soooo much. We were really nervous our basement would flood again and we would come home to a disaster so we decided to hold off. And then later that day they ended up closing down all of the freeways because of the flooding. The weather this summer was nuts! Luckily, the next day we got up super early and were able to make it up there just in time.
My mom came back home with us and spent most of the week in Grosse Pointe. She helped us get soooo much done around the house and prepared for baby. I was so grateful for the help because I hadn’t really done much! With just moving and our flood, we had other things we had to tackle. Finally, after she left, I felt a lot more prepared for baby to come.
And week 34 baby Sloane decided to make her grand entrance!! I have a whole post coming soon about her birth story so I will save those details.
xoxox Amanda
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