Yoga Mat | Weights | Water Bottle | Leggings | Sneakers
I want to share the new workout I’m obsessed with because it has completely changed my life and mindset! Last year around this time, I made myself a promise that I would get back into working out. The key for me was consistency. I wrote about my fitness journey in January, you can read about it here. In the past, I had a lot of success and really liked the app Sweat (which is the BBG workout. I don’t think they are calling it BBG anymore, but I still do!). It was something I was familiar with and decided to start there in my new fitness journey. I did it consistently for about six months and I really liked the results I was getting, how I felt, the energy I had etc. But something was still missing.
While I did like the Sweat app and the many workouts they had, I didn’t like that I couldn’t switch back and forth from one program to the next. So if I was moving a little slower one day and wanted to do a yoga or Pilates session I could. But then if I went back to the more intense workouts, I was starting over from the beginning. So the workouts weren’t as hard for me because I had already done them weeks ago. Because I couldn’t sort of pick and choose what type of workout I wanted to do that day, I was beginning to get a little bored with it.
About The Sculpt Society
Fast forward to March and all over Instagram a lot of the people I follow were promoting The Sculpt Society. One day I decided to click on the link and realized it was only $20- the same price as my Sweat app I was doing. They offered a free week’s trial so I decided to sign up and I could always cancel if I really hated it. Well, I loved it! And haven’t looked back since.
I would say these workouts are more Pilates based. You use some of your own body weight and some light weights here and there. But it reminds me a lot of Pilates. The one thing that I absolutely love about the workouts is there are so many to choose from. You can do a full body, concentrate on your arms that day, cardio, arms & abs, etc. There are so many workouts for you that you will never get bored. You can heart your favorites so you can go back to them too.
The mindset of The Sculpt Society is less is more. You might only have time or the energy for a 10 minute arm workout that day. But you better believe in that 10 minutes you will be working your butt of. The workouts are intense in a good way. They are fast paced, effective and addicting!
About the Workouts
I have found myself craving working out. We were on vacation a few weeks ago and I even snuck in a couple of workouts. There are tons of videos that don’t require any equipment which makes it really easy to do while you are on vacation. I also aim to workout 5-7 days a week, which seems like a lot but I really enjoy it that much. Some workouts are longer for me. If I do a 30 minute full body one day, I might only do a 10 minute arm video the next. I like to mix it up so I don’t get sick of anything.
It’s also really nice that the workouts are all low impact so no jumping, hurting your knees, etc. I don’t sweat at all during my workouts. So it makes it really nice that I can get a quick one in during my lunchbreak. Even when I was doing the Sweat app, I would sweat a little bit and it would take up my entire lunch break because I would be so exhausted after the workout. After these workouts, I actually have more energy. And find myself able to get some errands done too.
The biggest thing I noticed when starting The Sculpt Society was my appetite. My old workouts would make me so hungry and I would need to eat a big afternoon snack. But I don’t get the ravenous feeling anymore. And even though I am working out a lot more, I’m not eating any more than I was when I wasn’t as active.
I have also seen some really great results on my body. My arms are more toned. My butt is tighter, my legs are defined- everything you want from a workout! I’m truly hooked and I never thought I could love a new workout as much as I do with this one.
Megan who teaches a lot of the classes is also a great instructor. She has this great energy about her that keeps you moving even thru an app! And she is very accommodating. Always sharing ways to modify, encouraging you to take breaks when you need to and letting you know one day you will be strong enough to get thru this and to even add more weights! She is truly uplifting in the best way possible.
Equipment Needed
Another thing I liked about this workout is I didn’t need to invest in a lot of equipment before I started it. I would recommend these hand weights. I had some, but ended up ordering these because they are a lot easier to hold when you are punching. And a yoga mat! There are also workouts that you need a small ball, slider (you can also use a towel, which is what I use) or ankle weights. Each workout states what equipment you need before you start so I just try and skip the ones that I don’t have the equipment for yet. Eventually, I want to get a ball and band because I’m interested to see how that changes up the workout. And I’m not quite strong enough yet for ankle weights– but I know I will get there!
I’ve truly never loved this new workout more!
Use this link here and you will get 1 free 7 day trial period, plus one month free on the app 🙂