I wore this outfit, a basic tee and denim shorts, on our recent weekend trip to Charleston, SC. It was our first full day of sightseeing, so I was looking for comfort. The weather in Charleston was perfection. During the day it was hot and by nighttime it cooled down. The heat during the day was no joke. I wore jeans and a flowy top that you can read about in this post the first day we arrived. And after a few hours of walking around I was too hot. Jeans were just too warm to wear during the day.
I’ve talked about my favorite Madewell basic tees in this post and this post. They are the best! They hold up really well and fit really good. I recently got these shorts after looking for a while for a new pair of denim shorts. Although I did size up THREE sizes! Does anyone else have this issue with shorts? They just never seem to fit me correctly when I try on my normal size! I have to keep telling myself that size doesn’t matter, it’s how something fits you and how it looks that matters.
Shoes were also an important choice on this day since I knew we would be doing a ton of walking. My espadrilles are a few years old but they are sooo comfortable. It’s like walking on air! Thankfully they were a good choice for all the walking we did.
Kurt and I decided to start the day off by touring the Old Slave Mart Museum. This was a slave auction facility in South Carolina where they got the slaves ready to be sold. It’s jam packed with history and all very interesting. And also a little bit eerie since it was the actual building where they use to hold these auctions and where the slaves were kept before the auction.
After the Old Slave Mart we decided to lighten the mood a little and do a little shopping on King Street. They literally have every store and a few really cute boutiques. We didn’t buy much because we have a ton of shopping in Chicago, but it was more fun to people watch and see how the locals interact. While walking around, we came across an amazing library with these old, beautiful trees and we just had to stop and snap a few pictures!
Our last tourist stop for the day was Fort Sumter. This is where the Civil War first started. It was pretty surreal to be here. There was so much history to learn about as you got to wander around the fort. And not to mention how beautiful it was. The fort sits out on the ocean (you have to take a ferry to get there), so the views were pretty amazing. I talked about in this post how important it is to wear sunscreen daily. Thankfully I put it on my face that day or else I would have fried. I did forget about the rest of my body and I ended up with the worst farmers’ tan on my arms and chest 🙁 I did’t expect to be in the sun like that all day. But you never know how your day might unfold!
We did so much walking around while sightseeing that after we saw Fort Sumter we were pooped. We decided to head back to the hotel and relax for a few hours by the pool. Dinner that night was at Hall’s Chophouse which you can read about here. It was a fun filled day and made us fall in love with Charleston!

Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter
Shop the Look
Top: Madewell | Shorts: Levi | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban (old), similar | Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs (old), similar here and here | Shoes: Tory Burch (old), similar here and here | Watch: Michele | Earrings: Nordstrom
What is your most comfortable outfit for a day of sightseeing?
xoxox Amanda