Mirror | Sconces | Wallpaper | Soap Dispenser | Vase | Hydrangeas | Towel Ring | Knobs | Rug | Artwork | Frame | Fabric for Curtain, Made by Martha & Ash | Trash Can | Toilet Paper Holder | Tissue Box Cover
I cannot believe it, but our powder bath is finally done!!!! And I am ready to share the full reveal. I am also going to post some videos of it on Instagram if you want to see it in real life. This project took us around nine months to complete and slowly, but surely we finally got it done! I know it doesn’t look like a lot of work but it was! Everything about an old house has curve balls. And throw in life with a toddler and we didn’t have a lot of free time to complete it. But it’s finally done!
First and foremost, I am really proud of Kurt and I. We did this all on our own!!! Minus hanging the curtain- that was the only thing we had help on haha. But I really wanted it to be hung perfectly and I didn’t want to mess up our wallpaper that took us forever to complete.

Here is a before picture of the powder bath and while it doesn’t look that bad in pictures, in real life it was pretty bad. Bad in a sense that it really needed a little love and some paint. And that is exactly what we did. Kurt spent the most time sanding the woodwork. I mean it went on for weeks. He put a lot of love into it and made it look as perfect as you can with an old house. I painted everything which I really like to do.
And then we both hung the wallpaper. You can read more about that it here. I wouldn’t say peel and stick wallpaper is all that easy especially in a tiny bathroom. But once you figure it out and get the hang of it, it goes a lot quicker. We ran out of wallpaper so I had to order more and then it took us a few weeks to get back to the project and by then we had forgotten everything we had figured out haha. So we had a few learning curves.
Once we got that done, we hung the mirror and Kurt was even able to figure out the sconces and he hung those as well. Another proud moment because we had never done that before either!
And then it was time for the finishing touches. I fell in love with this artwork and had it framed with this frame. And the curtain!!! I’m really proud of the curtain. I absolutely love the pattern on the fabric and I think it matches so nicely with the wallpaper. I ordered fabric from here and then shipped it to Martha & Ash who completed and shipped the curtain to me. It was a really easy process and they helped me choose a few things. And it turned out better than I could have imagined!
Every time I walk in here now, I get a smile on my face. It turned out better than I could have imagined!
To Do Eventually
While the bathroom is done for now, we will eventually do some minor updates. I want to replace the toilet. Up close it’s kind of gross and old looking. And then someday we will replace the countertop with a marble of some sorts. It’s not terrible what we have currently, but when we go to update our kitchen I want to look into getting new countertops for both of our bathrooms. And I will probably get a new faucet too haha. I can’t help myself, I have to pick out everything and put my spin on it all.
I’m really proud of our powder bath and am so happy it is finally done! And now I don’t feel embarrassed when we have guests over either 🙂
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xoxox Amanda
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