Wreath | Black and White Pumpkin | Candle | Pumpkin Place Mat | Ghost Mug | Towels | Pumpkin Napkins | Boo Doormat
It officially feels like Fall and I am absolutely loving it! There is a crispness in the air that is only around this time of year and I feel it. And I can’t wait. Fall is my absolute favorite season and I can’t wait to experience it this year. Last year I was in a fog because we had just had Sloane so we were in that newborn la la land and didn’t really get to do as much as we have in years past. I can’t wait for Fall fashion and Fall home decor.
Last year, we had really just moved into our home. And just had Sloane. So I was overwhelmed with the big ticket items we still needed like rugs, furniture, the work we still had to do etc. It seemed like a never ending list. We have gotten a ton done over the last year and while we still have a ways to go before it feels ‘done’ this year I can concentrate on buying more for the holidays like Fall!
My absolute favorite way to decorate for Fall is with my Mackenzie Childs pumpkins. I just think they are the cutest things ever. And every year I like to add to my collection. This year I bought this cute set.
I also love to burn a Fall candle during this time of year and this one is my favorite. Affordable, cute and smells amazing. Pulling all of these pieces together for this post makes me realize I better order mine!
And we can’t forget about our porches. You can see mine from last year here. I went a little crazy because well, I love Fall! So mine will be similar to last years. If you are adding to yours, I adore this wreath and thought this doormat was really cute.
How do you like to decorate for Fall? Are you full on Halloween mode? Full on Thanksgiving mode? I like to mix the Halloween black and white items with the Thanksgiving items. I don’t separate these holidays because let’s be serious. Once Halloween is done, I am full on Christmas mode! 🙂
The other day we were able to open the windows and turn off the AC which feels really early. But I will take it! And it got me really thinking about the coming up season. And I jotted down some notes of things I wanted to do with Sloane this year, so I thought I would share them! We likely won’t get to all of these, but I would love to try. I always get ambitious and then we get sick, things come up etc. Basically life happens haha. So here are some ideas of what I want to do this Fall:
- Go to the apple orchard and pick apples.
- Make a pie with those apples. I’ve never made one so I would like to try!
- Go to the pumpkin patch and get a pumpkin.
- Carve pumpkin.
- Get pumpkin spice lattes and go to the park.
- Watch Hocus Pocus (Kurt hates this movie so every year this is a struggle haha).
- Get cider and donuts.
- Wear Halloween pj’s. Bonus if we do it while watching Hocus Pocus.
- Decorate the front porch and buy more Halloween items. Our neighborhood went all out for Halloween last year so we want to step up our game a bit.
- Make and decorate Halloween sugar cookies.
The other age old question- when do you officially put out your Fall home decor?! I usually wait until after Labor Day weekend because that is usually when the kids go back to school and it just feels like that is the unofficial start to Fall. But I did buy myself some pumpkins a few weeks ago from Mackenzie Childs and they may have have ended up on my fireplace mantle when they came in the mail haha. The rest will come out in a few weeks!
Hope you found some inspiration to decorate this year. I will be sure to share how mine comes together this year!
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xoxox Amanda
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