^^Celebrating our first anniversary in NYC
^^Our second wedding anniversary at Morton’s Steakhouse
^^Celebrating three years at Prime & Provisions- one of our fav steakhouses in Chicago!
^^Our trip to Disney World last Fall. It was such a fun vacation! Read more about it here
^^4th of July 2017 in up north Michigan. It was freezing!
^^Dinner downtown Detroit last summer
^^A fun restaurant in Chicago! It’s defiantly a messy one!
^^Family pics in Chicago by the bridge
^^Kurt’s cousins wedding right down the street from our apartment. It was so much fun to have the family in our city for the weekend!
^^From our trip to Palm Beach, FL this past February
^^Our friend Griff’s winter wedding!
^^Family walks with Addie Bear
Today Kurt and I celebrate our four year wedding anniversary and I can’t believe where the time has gone! It seems like just yesterday we were in college and dating. And here we are all grown up with our fur babies. Life has taken some unexpected twists along the way, but I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my partner in it. Today I thought it would be fun to have Kurt’s input on this post since everyone just looooves Kurt so much. We are celebrating tonight with a delicious Italian dinner at a restaurant we have been wanting to try for awhile.
Four Reasons I Love Kurt
He does everything for his family. He leaves for work every morning at 5:50 am. Works a twelve hour day most days. Comes home exhausted and stressed from a long day. And he just wants to get home early enough so he can take his puppy dog to the dog park so she can have fun! And then he makes dinner, cleans, vacuums, etc. and basically never sits down!
He is the most selfless man. Material things mean nothing to him and he prefers sentimental items or experiences. He is so heart felt in his words that I cry at every card he has ever given to me and at all of his presents! Last year for his birthday his wish was to spend the entire day spoiling Addie! He puts his family before himself all the time! So we took her for a doggy swim lesson, which I’m not sure she enjoyed much but we had fun for the day!
He motivates me to be a better person. Lately, everyone talks about how skinny he is (which he is, don’t get me wrong!), but he inspires me to be a healthier person. Every Sunday you can find him cutting up veggies and fruit for the week ahead. It’s hard to be lazy and unmotivated when your partner is so persistent on bettering himself! He’s the one that has inspired me to eat healthier and take better care of myself.
He’s the biggest gossiper and talker and I love him for that. He gets more into the girl drama then I ever will and has to know every detail! About a month ago, we were with our college friends who we hadn’t seen in a while. And all of the girls were chatting and there was this breaking story someone was telling about another person we knew. To keep it short, all of the guys could have cared less, except Kurt. He was the center of attention, asking questions and of course exaggerating the story! It made me giggle because he was totally in his element and just loves to gossip!
Four Reasons I Love Amanda (by Kurt)
Through all of the fights and arguments, the ups and downs, smiles and frowns we have made it through it all. I could think of a never ending list as to why I love you before our four year anniversary however I have narrowed it down to the most important reasons why as follows:
My imperfections. We may have only been married for 4 years, and as cliché as this may sound, but I feel as if we have been together our entire lives. I am CERTAINLY far from perfect and have many, many, MANY quirks and habits that would have driven anyone else absolutely crazy however you have worked through it all. From my OCD over “bad oats” when I would spend an hour sifting through my oatmeal pulling oats I considered to be “bad” to simply being unorganized you have helped me turn my chaotic lifestyle into a life with meaning and direction. If you know me you would understand I am someone who is full of excitement, energy and still pretty chaotic by waking up one day and refusing to speak in any other accent but French while throwing out jump kicks are signs that I am enjoying life every single day and that is because I get to enjoy it with my wife.
Your desire to continue growing the Faber family. Amanda is someone who is full of warmth and compassion that cares about not just our growing family but also our extended family and friends. She pretty much raised our oldest fur-baby Frank during a time when we had to live separately in two different states and has been a wonderful and loving fur-mommy for our later additions Charlie and Addison Mittens Faber. Amanda has made me put adopting for animals on hold but to continue growing our family in other ways to come.
Your drive to succeed. Amanda is a very intelligent individual. One thing that most people may not know about her is that she not only was a fashion major in college but also majored in chemistry. She has grown her blog into an every day routine that she is extremely passionate about while helping to take care of three wonderful furbabies. She also works full time spending about two hours each day to travel to work and still comes home full of life and compassion that makes me and the three furbabies that much more excited to see her when she gets home.
The way you look at me. I am and always have been drawn to people who love to smile. It brightens my day no matter how stressful and chaotic my days can be. If you were to look back at all of the photos taken of us for the past 12 years Amanda has a smile that is endless. The way you look at me makes me without even saying a word makes me feel like no matter what we have been through nothing can stop us.
In the end you have changed my world since you entered into my life. The change was not simple and subtle but you have added meaning and happiness in my life and I will be forever grateful to have you as my wife forever and always.
Happy four year anniversary
Love Me!
Thanks for sharing along in our journey together. Cheers to many, many more years!
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Loves it!