In case you didn’t know Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. I just love everything about it. The weather is finally cool enough to go on long walks and not sweat to death. You can wear sweaters and sunglasses and your new pair of booties or sneakers (my ultimate outfit). And not to mention there are tons of things to do.
The other day I went on a big pinning spree on Pinterest (follow my Fall board here) of all the fun fall things to do this season. I have since moved on to decorating and planning for Christmas, but I will save that for another post! Usually we go to the pumpkin patch, carve pumpkins, dress Addie up in an adorable costume that she hates and call it a day. But this year I want it to feel extra special. With everything that is going on I just want to feel a little more cozy this year!
I wanted to share my list of things I plan on doing this season. It might be a little too long haha and I might not actually get to all of this, but I plan on trying at least! There aren’t many weekends left- seriously how is it October already tomorrow?! It’s crazy how fast September went by and I’m sure October will fly by as well. What fun fall things do you have on your list to do this year?!
Fun Fall Things To Do This Season
- Make pumpkin cinnamon rolls– This is the recipe I plan to follow, but I have also noticed people posting on Instagram pumpkin cinnamon rolls from Trader Joe’s that is all ready to go. So I might take the easier way out of this and just buy those the next time I am at the store!
- Go to the pumpkin patch– We did this the past weekend! And it’s one of my favorite activities for Fall. We go every year to Goebbert’s Farm out in Barrington (if you are local it’s awesome!). It’s a hike if you live in the city. Fun fact, I use to work out by this farm and use to drive this far every single day. I still don’t know how I did it for 4 years!! I also recommend going early if you do go. It can get pretty busy. This year you can buy tickets online which I recommend. They are doing this to limit the number of people who can get in on a certain day. We had no issues and the place is huge so you can social distance easily!
- Make pumpkin pancakes– We like to cook breakfast occasionally on the weekends. But we actually haven’t done it in a while. One the list is pumpkin pancakes! And this is the recipe I plan to use.
- Get a Pumpkin Spiced Latte– This is a must! They kind of have a lot of calories in them, but they are delicious and well worth it. So I always have to get at least one per season! And the pumpkin flavor really puts you in the Fall spirit! I actually got one from Starbucks this past weekend on our way out to the pumpkin patch.
- Decorate for Fall– I have this post planned for next week so stay tuned on how I decorated this year. In this post here I talk about how I was planning to decorate this year and this is how I decorated last year. We also added tons of pumpkins and mums to our balcony! And it turned out adorable. I went a little overboard and there isn’t a lot of room to walk around haha, but it turned out super cute. I will also have a pic of this in my post next week so stay tuned.
- Watch Hocus Pocus– I can’t think of a more Halloween movie than this one. And I really want to watch it on a cozy Friday night with all of my furry animals!
- Burn a Fall scented candle– I have been doing this every night this past month and I just love it! Our house smells amazing. I have been burning this one from Target (and it’s super cute on your coffee table) and also this one from William’s Sonoma. Both smell amazing and really fill up the room.
- Go apple picking and make an apple pie– I thought this would a fun thing to do and I’ve never made an apple pie so wish me luck haha!
- Walk thru the neighborhoods and look at the Halloween decorations– We always do this at Christmas time, but I really want to do this for Halloween. So many people these days decorate outside for Halloween and it looks so cute. Think lots of spider webs and grave stones on their lawns. I’ve started to see some houses in our neighborhood start to decorate already too and it looks so festive!
- Go for a scenic drive to see the leaves change– A couple of years ago we drove up north Michigan to my parents home and we timed it perfectly because the trees were absolutely stunning! We plan on doing this again this year because it is so pretty to see.
- Watch a football game– I’m not really a sports person. I don’t mind going to games and I can get into them when I’m at a stadium, but they are pretty boring to watch on TV. I probably won’t actually sit and watch a game, but I love the sound of it on in the background. It just screams Fall to me!
- Carve a pumpkin– We do this every year and I love it! I grew up carving pumpkins every year and it was always so fun to decide what to do. I always use these kits and they turn out so good! And they are a lot easier than they look. Kurt will gut it for me and shave it done because that is the boring and gross part haha. But I am all for the carving part!
- Attend a bonfire and roast s’mores– This is kind of tricky to do especially for us in the city. But our good friends live a little further outside of downtown and they have a fire pit. So we already have this on the calendar as a get together and we will roast s’mores- my favorite!!!
xoxox Amanda
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