My Outfit- Sweater | Jeans | Booties | Headband
Kurt’s Outfit- Button Down | Jeans | Shoes
Addie’s Bandana, similar here | Cake Stand | Dining Room sources linked here
I still cannot thank everyone enough for all of the love these past few days and really over the years. We have gone thru so much to get to this point and we count our blessings every single day. Since we decided to wait a little longer to announce our pregnancy on social media (I’m currently 21 weeks)- there is a lot to catch up on! And today I wanted to surprise everyone with the gender reveal!
Since our immediate families are all over the country- mostly in Michigan, and my brother in law and sister in law are in California so we went with the modern times and did a Zoom call for our gender reveal haha. Kurt and I still got dressed up and I got cupcakes from my favorite bakery here in Chicago, Sweet Mandy B’s and we had a little celebration with ourselves. Addie was more than thrilled about her big sister bandana hahah.
To do the official gender reveal, I ordered this balloon from Pais 312 here in Chicago. I just love their stuff so much. You might remember my birthday back in November. The only thing I wanted was a balloon garland and Kurt pulled thru thanks to this company. They do a really great job….and they deliver! The balloon was adorable and perfect and everything I dreamed of. It was actually a lot bigger than I had expected!
I will post the video we took of me popping it to Instagram, but it was kind of an epic fail. I had my phone set up on a stand to record us because I thought Kurt would stand next to me and it would get both of our reactions. Well, I thought I had it all in focus and I did until I decided to take a step back when I went to pop it so you still see the color of the confetti inside, but I didn’t get my reaction 🙁 It was still a very special moment regardless! And for whatever reason Kurt didn’t even stand next to me like I had originally thought he would. He decided to stay seated haha. I guess better luck next time!
Ok, before we get into it, I wanted to go thru a list of old wives tales and see my answers to them. We already know the sex, but I still thought this would be fun to document 🙂
- Are you carrying high or low? If you are carrying high it’s a girl and low a boy. I think I’m carrying high, but I’m still so small so it’s hard to say–> GIRL
- Do you have pregnancy acne? Yes, it’s been horrible! –> GIRL
- Are you feeling more cold and icy lately (boy) or sweaty and hot (girl)? Always cold –> BOY
- What is baby’s heartbeat? Above 140 bpm indicates a girl and below 140 bpm indicates a boy. The heartbeat has been around 170 –> GIRL
- Are you craving sweet (girl) or salty (boy)? No real cravings, but I have been eating a lot more pickles! –> BOY
- Chinese calendar prediction? –> GIRL
- Has your husband put on sympathy weight? If so, signs point to a girl. He is skinner than ever! –> BOY
- Have you experienced swollen legs or ankles? If so, it’s a boy. I haven’t noticed any yet –> GIRL
- Have you experienced frequent headaches? If so, signs point to a boy. They have been so bad lately! –> BOY
- How is your mood? If you are happy or mellow, expect a boy. If you are moody, expect a girl. I’ve been pretty chill –> BOY
And that really didn’t do much because out of the 10 questions, 5 were for boys and 5 were for girls. So here we go…..Baby Faber is a…..

We truly couldn’t be more excited. We prayed for a healthy baby, but knowing that it is a girl now is just so special to us. I have always wanted a girl and convinced Kurt years ago he needed a daughter too. I’ve always been close to my mom and when my grandma was alive, the three of us were all very close. We had lots of shopping adventures in Chicago. And now I cannot wait to continue those with my mom and this little baby. Plus the Faber’s have a way of making lots of boys haha so we need a little more pink in the mix!
One last thing- at our little gender reveal party, after we popped the balloon, I gave everyone another little surprise! I said- ‘And we have another surprise!’ My mom was convinced I was going to say it’s twins, but we have secretly known this entire time we were expecting a girl. That’s sort of the cool thing about IVF and modern science. Since we did so much extra testing, we decided to find out the genders of our embryos and we knew the day of the transfer that we were implanting our best, top notch embryo which just so happened to be a girl. It was meant to be!
We decided not to tell anyone we knew the gender until we were further along in the pregnancy and I have to say it was so special for Kurt and I to know so early on. We were able to connect a little deeper and we could call her by her gender instead of saying ‘it’ all the time. It made it more real even in the early days!
Thank you everyone for the love and support. We have truly been so excited, grateful and humbled by this experience!
xoxox Amanda
CONGRATULATIONS Amanda! Girls are SO sweet…but either one would be SPECIAL. I am sure your mom and dad are just “over the moon”! So excited for all of you! I know your MOM certainly cannot wait:).