My first gift guide of the season! My plan is to launch two gift guides a week and by the end of November you will have all the gift guides you need to shop for everyone on your list. I find it a little overwhelming when people launch them all at once. I sort of just scroll thru them vs. one at a time, I take a little more time to look thru them. Maybe that is just me!
My first one today is gifts for toddlers! Sloane is my main person I am shopping for this year so I kept her in mind when making this. I need to sit down with Kurt and decide what we want to get her, but you can expect a lot of the gifts in this post will be sitting under our tree this year! I’m really excited to see how she reacts this year. Last year was a ton of fun! She had just started walking and really sort of realized how fun opening presents was so I have a feeling this year will be no different.
Gifts for Toddlers

Stuffed Animal | Water Bottle | Baby Doll Set | Pajamas | Baby Doll Stroller | Robe | Wand | Ugg Boots | Sensory Tools | Toy Washcloth Sponge | Scooter
Stuffed Animal– Sloane loves stuffed animals- she is always carrying one around and she sleeps with every single one that she owns haha. I thought this one looked so cute and cozy and I know she would love it!
Water Bottle– One can never have too many water bottles. A very practical gift but one they will use every day.
Baby Doll Set– I love the idea of getting Sloane a nice baby doll and I thought this set was really nice. You can also buy the baby doll on it’s own if you want to spend a little less. And they come in lots of different skin tones, hair color so there is one for everyone.
Pajamas– These are the best pjs and the ones I buy all the time. They last forever and you can wear them well past their normal size. Somehow they just keep stretching. Sloane has a few pairs that she has worn well over a year. They always have the cutest prints too.
Baby Doll Stroller– I was thinking of doing a whole theme gift and get her the baby doll plus this stroller. I know she would love pushing her baby doll around. And I personally love this gingham fabric. It will look aesthetically pleasing in my living room or in Sloane’s room so it wouldn’t drive me nuts if it’s left out.
Robe– Lately Sloane has been freezing when she gets out of the bath- can’t say that I blame her! It’s just that time of year. So I thought she would really enjoy a robe in her size. This one is just so cute!
Wand– I thought this was just a cute and inexpensive gift or would even be cute in their stocking. At only $8- you can’t beat the price either.
Ugg Boots– I’m dying for these boots!!! I’m really resisting buying these for Sloane, but how cute are they?! I know she would love the fuzzy inside. And they would keep her warm all winter long.
Sensory Tools– I want to get her some things that can be educational that we can play with all winter long. I know there will be long days when we can’t go outside. She can keep herself entertained and also work on her motor skills.
Toy Washcloth Sponge– Sloane loves her stuffed animals and I thought this would be a lot of fun for her. It’s made of washcloth material so she can take it into the bath with her!
Scooter– This is just so cute!! The basket is adorable on it. I might hold off on this until Easter or her birthday, but I wanted to include this if you are in the market for a new scooter.

Necklace/Bracelet Set | Pink Slippers | Blanket | Socks | Sticker Books | Purse | Wicker Baby Doll Stroller | Poppy Tonies Doll | Rain Boots
I had too many cute things I wanted to share so I had to make two collages- little kids are so fun to shop for!
Necklace/Bracelet Set– Sloane talked me into this necklace/bracelet set the last time we were at Target and she loves wearing it. And I have to admit it’s really cute to see her in it too. Only $5 so a great stocking stuffer.
Pink Slippers– I got Sloane a pair of pink bunny slippers for Easter and she has been wearing them around the house all the time now. She loves them! I thought these were cute and at only $15- they are a great price too.
Blanket– Sloane loves all things cozy and she also loves blankets too. I thought this one was the most adorable thing ever! It also comes in blue.
Socks– These look super cozy for the long winter ahead of us haha.
Sticker Books– Sloane loves stickers and everyone I know raves about these puffy ones. Another great activity for this winter.
Purse– I thought this was just so adorable. Sloane is getting to the age where she likes to pretend and she loves putting stuff over her shoulder and pretending she has a purse- it’s really cute. I know she will love this.
Wicker Baby Doll Stroller– I just love this so much! Your toddler can use it to push around her baby doll, but it also works as a really cute storage compartment. And looks really cute sitting out.
Poppy Tonies Doll– Sloane got a Toniebox for her birthday and she loves listening to it. We only have one figurine so I want to slowly add to her collection. She loves the troll movie and I know they are coming out with a new movie that we want to take her too. So I thought this was a cute idea for her stocking.
Rain Boots– She wears her rain boots every day- she’s a big boot girl! The pink is so pretty.
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xoxox Amanda
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