And here we are, a new year. 2021 was arguably one of the best years of my life. I can’t believe everything that took place over the year. Actually, I think I am still in shock.
I started the year out pregnant. Those early days were so draining. I joke that I slept the winter away, but I really did! I couldn’t get enough sleep. Every day at lunch time, I would take a nap on the couch and then by 9pm my eyelids would be so heavy, I just had to go to bed. I’m so thankful I was still working from home because I don’t think I could have functioned. And even on the weekends, I would go to the grocery store and come home and immediately have to nap, but not before I had to eat something haha. Read our pregnancy announcement and gender reveal, as well as my first trimester, second trimester and third trimester recaps.
Once we hit 20 weeks, Kurt and I made the decision to start the process of looking for a home back in Michigan. The plan for us was to always eventually move back home, but this felt like the perfect timing. After the pandemic and working from home, we realized we wanted to be closer to family and friends. And we would need the extra help in raising our baby!
The home buying process was not easy. At that time interest rates were at the lowest and everyone was looking for a home. We put in, I think, five offers before we finally had a deal. It was an interesting time. We would FaceTime our realtor to do a walk thru, love the house, put an offer in, only to lose it. I really didn’t think it was going to work out, but it did. And honestly, I couldn’t love our home more. Kurt’s dad kept telling us the perfect home would come along and you would be happy that the other ones didn’t work out- and I’d have to agree with that. Read my post here about our first home.
And then our Sloane decided to make her entrance early and throw us all off (read her birth story here)! I still can’t believe she and Kurt share the same birthday. How crazy is that?! 2022 will be a big year for both of them. Sloane will be celebrating her first birthday and Kurt will be celebrating his 40th! I’m planning a big party, despite telling myself I wouldn’t be that over the top parent haha. But it will be one to remember.
2021 was filled with a lot of big changes. And now more than ever, I believe in God’s timing because it all worked out exactly as it should have been, as I knew eventually it would. I remember on a few occasions looking back on my year and thinking I had accomplished nothing. All I could think about was the amount of shots Kurt had given me and the numerous surgeries I had that year. It all felt like my wheels were turning for nothing. But then 2021 came and it all made sense. Read about our IVF journey here, here and here.
I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. Usually I like to dedicate a word of the year. But, honestly, I’ve been too busy to even think about it. The one that keeps coming up is family which I think is fitting because I know I will never get these days back with our baby Sloane so I try and soak her up as much as I can!
I know I said I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, but I do have one which is so cliché! I want to lose these extra 15 lbs of baby weight, but that’s just mostly because its so frustrating when I try and get dressed and nothing in my closet fits!
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2022!
xoxox Amanda
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