Things have been crazy around here so my blog has taken a bit of a backseat! I started back up at work a couple of weeks ago. And then our nanny had a bit of a Covid scare and was exposed. So of course we asked her to stay home. But that meant I had to work and take care of Sloane. Luckily Kurt is also working from home too so we both managed. We are slowly adjusting to our new schedule and getting into a routine.
Anyways, I have been trying since the summer to have someone come by and paint our stairs for us. The previous owners had really bad carpet over them and when we painted and re-did our floors before we moved in, I had them tear it all out. So we have been living with ugly stairs for months. And I finally found someone who can paint them for us- hopefully sometime this month. I’m so excited!
Its also kind of funny how my mind has already changed about some things in our home. I absolutely hated our banister on our stairs when we first looked at the house (its black wrought iron). My plan was to have it removed and add a wood banister. But now I love it! It goes with the old character of the home. So I’ve decided to have it re-painted and I have a feeling its going to look amazing. Its crazy to me how paint makes such a big impact.
Decorating our home has been a top priority for me lately- whenever I can find time haha. I get so excited and love when I get a piece in the mail because it makes such a big impact- even small items! It has been a slow process because we have a lot of work to do to the house and a ton of furniture to buy too. I’ve been putting these design boards together as I see items I like and it really helps me visualize what the space will look like. So I wanted to share with you my home decor inspiration. I’m so excited to see how our home comes together over the years.
The one room I’m not including is our bedroom because I am completely stumped on it. When we moved in, our canopy bed did not fit up the stairs. It was one huge, big piece and because our stairs turn at the top, there was no way it would fit. So we have been living with our bed on the floor. And I can’t for the life of me figure out what I want to do with the space. The walls are blue (I shared our paint colors here) and we have white furniture so I won’t be changing that. I think I’m just in sticker shock at how expensive beds are. And I haven’t found anything that I absolutely love yet. So it will likely be the last room I share!
And we also have a second living space off our dining room that I’ve been calling our Den. I haven’t really figured out what I’m going to be doing in there yet. But I do know I’m going to have it wallpapered in this. I’m so excited for this project! I’m hoping we can start to tackle it in the next few months. We have old wood paneling in this room and I talked to our contractor about applying mud over the seams to make the walls smooth and then add wallpaper. It’s going to be a long process and likely expensive, but I know in the end it will be amazing. So I will just be patient!
Home Decor Inspiration
Living Room

Couch | Rug, also here | Lamp | White Side Table | Marble Side Table | White Chair | Brass Side Table | Blue Leather Chair | Console Table
Our living room is the room I have been concentrating on the most and have made the most progress on. Its been so fun to see it come to life! Last weekend Kurt and I switched up the layout of our couch and the two white chairs we have. And it made a HUGE difference. We previously had the couch across from the fireplace and I hated how when you walked into our home, the first thing you saw was the back of the couch. So we just decided to try it out and see how it looked. And we ended up loving it. It really opens the space up a ton.
I’m also going to get another white side table and lamp for the other side of our couch. We don’t have overhead lighting in this room. And honestly, I would love to add some, but who knows what is in these old walls. It makes me nervous to open them up! So for now, we will stick to lamps lol.
I absolutely love this console table. Burl wood is a huge trend right now and I’m here for it! We have this awkward space at the front of the room and I think this table with a mirror above it would be perfect. I’m still deciding, but I think that is the direction I want to go.

Light Fixture | Desk | Chair | Artwork | Pencil Holder | Paper Trays | Filing Cabinet | Rug
This is another space I’ve been trying to get done because I now spend all day in here working! I took a big risk (at least for me) when I painted the room Benjamin Moore Cape Code Cobblestone, which is a dark grey. I was nervous it would be too dark, but it actually looks fabulous. In this room, I wanted a little moodier paint color for the office and it is the perfect color- not too dark, but not too light.
I’m also on the hunt for a comfy chair we can add to the corner of our office. We call it our ‘lobby’ haha. I haven’t found anything I’m crazy about yet. And I absolyly love this artwork that I found. I’m hoping they have a Black Friday sale because I’m going to order it. It is custom and takes 10-12 weeks ughhhh. But I have a feeling the wait will be worth it.
Dining Room

Rug | Light Fixture | Dining Room Table | Chair | Vase | Flowers | Artwork | Lamp | Picture Frame | Sideboard
I actually have a lot of the furniture in this space already so its just about accessorizing it! Everything looks very white right now. Now I know I love white, but its a little too blah for me. I plan on ordering these lamps next and I think it will really add some color to the space. I also can’t wait to purchase my chandelier. I’ve had my eye on this for years- even before we bought a house. And once we moved in- I knew it would be perfect for this space!
Hope you enjoyed my home decor inspiration! As you can see, I could talk about this for hours!
xoxox Amanda