Get read for a billion photos as I share Sloane’s ice cream themed first birthday party! We did almost all of this ourselves and while it was very exhausting haha I’m so happy with how it turned out! I thought the theme was perfect for her summer birthday and when I found this invite I decided to go with it. By the way, I ended up using the printer that this shop recommended and I was really impressed with how they turned out. The quality was really great!
It was such a fun day filled with lots of family and friends. And it’s a day I will never forget. I still can’t get over that our baby is ONE. Where did that year go?! Anyway, here are the sources if you want to also have an ice cream themed first birthday party!
Treat Table

Banner | Lavender Table Cloth | One Sign | Download | Frame | Ice Cream Paper Plates | Ice Cream Napkins | Balloon Garland | Pump | High Chair | One High Chair Banner
I was so nervous this whole set up was not going to work! I think I was up at like 4am the night before stressing about it because I was so nervous we wouldn’t be able to figure out how to hang everything. But it came out exactly how I envisioned it! I got this kit from Amazon for these balloons and it was so easy to put together. And they turned out great. 100% you have to buy the pump. I don’t think it would have been easy at all had I not had that.
I ordered our cake’s thru Allie Cat Cakes and they turned out delicious and exactly like I had envisioned! Sloane’s smash cake was just too cute!

Cotton Candy | Ice Cream Cone (bought at the grocery store) | Cellophane Wrapper | Ribbon | Sticker Download | Sticker
These were the treats I made for the kids to take home and I think they are my favorite! They turned out adorable! And they were super easy to make too. A lot of kids ate them before they left so I have to think they were a hit!
I bought this cotton candy off Amazon and they were the perfect size. I then placed it on top of the cone, wrapped it up with cellophane, tied a bow at the top and put the sticker on them. All in all, they probably took me an hour to make.
And I found Shutterfly to be the cheapest place to print these custom stickers. I edited the design and needed it to be printed and I have no idea why, but it was going to cost a fortune! Shutterfly to the rescue.
What We Wore

My mom found Sloane the most adorable outfit ever! And it is really good quality too. She looked adorable in it.

Ice Cream Trucks | Table Linens | Ice Cream Cone Décor on Fence | Balloon Garland | Milestone Banner
I found these ice cream trucks that I had Kurt put together and thought they looked really cute scattered around the party. And I ended up ordering this banner from Etsy that I had hanging in my living room. It was so crazy to see her pictures from every month and how much she changed in such a short amount of time.
I ended up buying table linens from this website here. They were actually pretty cost efficient and now I know I have them so if we ever have a big party like this again, I will re-use them. They looked great, but they were a HUGE pain in the butt because I had to iron them. And it took forever to iron them. I think this is where I spent the majority of my time the week leading up to the party haha. But I will say, I’m proud of how they look!
Also, I know our yard isn’t in the best shape so no judgement! It has come a long way and Kurt has put a lot of hard work into it this year. I can’t wait to re-do our patio one day, but for now we will live with what we’ve got!

Paper Plates | Utensils | Napkins | Water Bottle Download | Table Linens | Drink Bucket | 40 Candles
We kept things super easy with food and got a giant sub and pizza’s from Bommarito’s if you are local. It turned out really good. But I ordered wayyyy too much food. And we had a ton of leftovers.
And of course I had to order Kurt a cake too! Sloane and Kurt share the same birthday so while this was her birthday party I had to celebrate him in a small way too. We were on a sugar high that day haha. He loves chocolate so I told the baker to make it the most chocolatey thing that you can and it was the best cake I’ve had. Our favorite by far. And it turned out really cute too!

Banner (had it custom made)
We of course had to have some fun things for the kids to do too. I didn’t really get a good picture of it but we had a bounce house in the back of our yard which the kids spent the majority of their time at. And I also had this coloring banner made by Busy Banners and it turned out adorable! The kids had fun coloring on it.
Whew, I think that’s it! All to say, it was a day I will never forget. Thank you to all of our family and friends who helped us to celebrate Sloane’s First Birthday!
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xoxox Amanda
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