Today we are going to talk about the absolute best moisturizer I’ve found for dry skin. More specifically, Jones Road Miracle Cream. It is the absolute best thing you can put on your skin especially if you have dry skin. My review today is going to specifically be centered around the Miracle Cream because that is what I have used the longest and what fits my skin the best (I have dry skin). But I will also go into a little bit about the Light Moisture Cream because occasionally I will use this one too.
Background on My Skin Type
My skin has changed over the years and a lot of it, I think, is because of where I lived. When I was in college and lived in Michigan, I had really dry skin. But when I decided to move to Chicago over ten years ago my extra thick moisturizers was just too much for my skin and it would cause me to breakout. So I had to find a new one to use. But when we moved back to MI two years ago, I noticed how dry my skin was again.
I thought maybe it was because I was pregnant, hormonal, getting older, my old home or just that MI was drier in general, but my trusty moisturizer was no longer working. My skin was dry, flaky and I knew I wasn’t getting the nourishments it needed.
Before I landed on Jones Road Miracle Cream, I tried everything under the sun. And I made sure it was specifically for dry skin but nothing really worked. I think I tried upwards of almost 10 different moisturizers- no joke. I couldn’t find anything that was right for my skin.
Jones Road Miracle Cream
Enter Jones Road Miracle Cream. At this point, I was kind of desperate and was just accepting that I would never have the glowy skin that I wanted. Someone I follow recommended this and after thinking about it for a couple of months, I decided to try it. It was important to me that she had dry skin. At this point, I was sick of trying new products, wasting my money and letting my skin go thru the process of using a new product. Because that is never fun for me! My skin is pretty sensitive to new items I introduce so I have to be careful.
I was a little shocked when I first opened the jar of Jones Road Miracle Cream because over anything, it is a balm and super thick. I was a little nervous I was going to use it and it was going to be too much for my skin and I was going to break out badly. But actually the complete opposite happened. I woke up the next morning with the most glowy skin! It was luminous and had this glow to it. And felt really smooth. At that point, I was already hooked. I could feel it working right away and I knew it was exactly what my thirsty skin needed.
The cream is really thick so when you first use it, it can be a little strange. But what I have found that works best, is you have to break the balm first. So press your fingers into the jar until it starts to pile up. Now you’ve broken the balm. Add a little bit to your fingertips and rub your hands together until it starts to loosen up. Then put it on your face. I find you have to really massage this into your face so it goes on evenly and it gets distributed properly on your entire face. This was something new to me because in the past, I sort of just slapped on my moisturizer. But it’s kind of nice to have to really massage it in every night.
I use this night and day. And it is especially effective if you are using retinol at night (which we all should be!). This has been the first year I started using retinol so on top of naturally being dry, my skin was also dry because of the retinol. I need to write a whole separate post on retinol because I think it has done absolute wonders for my skin and I highly recommend it!
Another thing about this moisturizer is the price. It’s only $38 a jar and lasts quite a bit. A little goes a long way. I feel very strongly that you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on skincare. You just need to find the right products for your skin. So I was really excited to find something that I loved and that was on the more affordable side.
It can feel a little thick for daytime, especially in the summer months when there is more moisture in the air. So enter Jones Road Light Moisture Cream.
Jones Road Light Moisture Cream
At one point, I went to re-order my Miracle Cream and was scanning the site and came across the Light Moisture Cream. I was having a few small breakouts during the hot summer months and I kind of suspected it was because the Miracle Balm was a little too thick during the daytime. I was sold the second I saw in the description that Bobbi Brown (who has really dry skin like myself) said this is perfect as a day moisturizer during hot and humid climates. That is exactly what I was looking for!
When I received it, I was not expecting much because every other ‘lighter’ cream just didn’t hold up to my dry skin. But this was so different! It is exactly what my dry skin needs on the more humid days in the summer. It still locks in moisture and offers my skin moisture. It’s thick without being overbearing and it is perfect to wear under my makeup. The scent is also really nice- very clean and refreshing smelling which the Miracle Cream does not have. I am usually really sensitive to scents and will almost always choose no scent over anything else. But this one is really nice and refreshing and doesn’t bother me one bit.
How I Use Both Moisturizers
I don’t have an exact science on how I rotate both moisturizers. I kind of go off the weather and what my skin needs in the moment. Every night I always use the Jones Road Miracle Cream. On very few occasions I might use the Light Moisture Cream at night. But if I did that it was because it had been really humid that day or humid for a few days in a row.
I also mostly use the Miracle Cream during the day too and I would say every once in a while I switch to the Light Moisture Cream. I can tell when my skin starts to get small breakouts and I know I need to lay off the heavier balm for a couple of days.
The Miracle Cream does take a little getting used to when wearing it under makeup. It takes a little longer to set in. So I recommend putting the lotion on and letting it really soak in for 10 minutes or so and then doing your makeup. I tend to notice I use a little more powder, but it doesn’t dry me out at all, just to bring down the shine the Miracle Cream causes. If you like overly glowy skin then you won’t need extra powder at all. Just thought I should mention that!
In conclusion, the Jones Road Miracle Cream is the absolute best thing that I have ever put on my skin. I am obsessed and this is one thing I will never be out of. I can’t recommend this enough. If you have really dry skin or need a thicker moisturizer at night for retinol use, I recommend the Miracle Cream. If you have normal skin tone or have dry skin, but need something lighter during the day time, I recommend the the Light Moisturizer Cream. And they also have this oil free moisturizer (which I have not tried) if you have oily skin. I promise you will love this line! Next, I am going to try the eye cream and lip balm 🙂
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xoxox Amanda
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