So Kurt told me the other day that I need to get back into blogging. I try and update the blog once a week, here and there when I find the time. But he’s right. I use to have to much fun with this little space and I need to get back into it- at least do more with it! So many influencers have been moving away from updating their blogs and concentrating more on stories on Instagram. Which is fine- but I miss the good old days. I used to love reading my favorite blogs every morning, drinking coffee on my way to work. This is back when I took the train to work in Chicago and it was so nice. It was like my news for the morning- but it wasn’t depressing!
I finally feel like now I have some extra time to breath. With Sloane in daycare I have some time in the mornings and during my lunch break. It’s so weird not having her home with us. Even when we did have help, having her home was so distracting. During my free time, I would go hang out with her. I am so fortunate with us both working from home and how it all played out. But I also love having some more time to myself and getting stuff done during the week now like grocery shopping. Feel kinda guilty for saying that, but it’s true. I actually plan to run errands now during the week so my weekends can be wide open. I was able to do this last week for the first time and I did not have to run one single errand the entire weekend. It was so nice!
Anyways, I wanted to start a new series called Life Lately. Here I plan to share random things- my thoughts, what’s going on in our life, things that caught my eye. Basically just a dump of everything. I am going to try to add a post like this once a week. And hopefully you will like it!
I do have to say, can you even believe it is MAY?! Where has this year gone already? May is always one of my favorite months. The weather is usually starting to get nice. It’s peony season!!! Ahh my absolute favorite flower. This image I used is from a few years ago, but I cannot wait until I can get my hands on some this year. Then its Addie’s birthday- she will be 7 this year. And our wedding anniversary. We will be celebrating 8 years together which is nuts! It feels like we just got married yesterday. I told Kurt the other day, that instead of a fancy dinner this year to celebrate, that we should do a lunch date. That way we don’t have to get a sitter haha. He liked that idea so I think that’s how we plan to celebrate this year.
This weekend we have lots planned. We have a Derby event that I’m really excited for on Saturday. I think I’m more excited to get dressed up! It feels like forever since I’ve been able to put on a pretty dress….and actually feel like myself. That postpartum weight was hard on me. I hated looking in my closet, knowing nothing would fit. If you are in that boat- the weight does come off eventually, it just takes time. My girlfriends all told me I would drop the weight eventually, but I was always like WHEN?!
And then it’s Mother’s Day. Honestly, I am excited to celebrate, but this day has always been hard on me. It’s hard to just turn the switch and forget about the past. I’m so grateful for our little Sloane and how far we have come. To all the mama’s out there in waiting, I feel for you. Take the time you need this weekend. I always stayed off social media because that was a huge trigger for me. Honestly, I think the best Mother’s Day that I had during our hard years was when my girlfriend and I had a wine date via Zoom the night before. And I was in bed all day sleeping off a hangover! I have no idea what the plan is for us on Sunday, but I know I will be giving my little girl lots of kisses and hugs! So grateful to be her mama!
Here are some things I’ve found interesting this week-
Is this not the cutest dress? I don’t have anything that I could wear it to, but it could be cute just casual with sneakers!
These leggings are my absolute favorite and I love this red!
I’ve been on a athletic wear kick. I’ve finally given in that it’s all I wear. And I’m not mad about it. How adorable is this sweatshirt?
We are going to to gut our powder bath on our first floor. I think we might do this likely early next year. At least I’m hoping! It’s really gross right now and everything needs to go. I’ve been on the hunt for wallpaper and I found this one that I am in love with. Haven’t fully committed yet, but this is the top runner right now.
I started following this new account on Instagram called theptparent and it has been so helpful! She posts a lot of really great content about getting your baby to roll, how to know if they are ready to start crawling, how to help them crawl, etc. It has been really helpful for me being a first time mom.
Kurt set up our patio furniture a couple of weeks ago and it has been so nice to relax out there- when it’s nice of course! For the price, I am actually really impressed. The cushions are a bit hard at first, but it doesn’t bother me at all. We also got this table which is really nice. Still on the hunt for some chairs for it.
This just came in the mail for the 4th of July for Sloane and OMG it’s the mot adorable thing ever! I can’t wait to see her in it. And it’s crazy to think how much she will have grown by then.
I included this blanket in my Mother’s Day post, but I am really interested to learn what the hype is all about. Everyone raves about this brand. Makes a really cute gift idea too.
In case you missed it on the blog earlier this week- I shared our den that we just had re-done. It was a HUGE transformation and I’m so happy with the result.
Thanks for reading- see you next week! And have a Happy Mother’s Day!
xoxox Amanda
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