My Top | Similar Jeans | Similar Sneakers
Sloane’s Sweater | Top | Leggings | Sneakers
If you follow along on Instagram, you might know I started (and completed!) a DIY project for our home. I wrote about it in this post that I wanted to tackle some smaller home projects this year. And we were going to tackle them ourselves. Well it’s done! I had Kurt help me with all the prep work because I really hate that part. And I had a couple of vacation days I had to use up. So I decided to take those days to paint. It really turned out so good. You can see the finished product on this reel. We are really proud of ourselves 🙂 Now every time we open the doors up to this little landing, we both comment on how much better it looks. And it’s true! It’s crazy to me how much paint can transform a space.

Here is the after! Walls are Benjamin Moore Gray Mist. Most of my house is this color- I love it! It’s a really pretty light beige with a hint of grey.
Next up, I am adding a few decorative and storage items to the space. First off, I ordered this rug which looks like it will take about a month or so to arrive. But I love the scallops, so I couldn’t resist. And I ordered this to hang on the wall above our new garbage can. I figured here is where we can store things like plastic bags, rags, etc. And I liked that things would be hidden. I also ordered this rolling rack to store some cleaning supplies and other random things that we have. I thought this would be easy to move around since we do have a door there. We never use that door, but it’s nice to have when you have a contractor or someone who needs immediate access to the basement.
Over the weekend, Kurt mounted my Dyson for me so now that isn’t flopping around. Kind of bummed there is no electrical in this little area so I have to charge is in our kitchen. But it’s not the end of the world. And my mom got us these cute little pictures of a husky and cat so I had Kurt hang them on the wall. They look really cute! I will be sure to share more pictures once everything is done. And eventually we will have this space re-tiled. But probably not until next year at this point. The tile is original to the house and is in bad shape, so it needs to be done eventually!
Another small project we did was change out all the hardware in our kitchen. And wow, what a difference! We originally had chrome and I wasn’t a fan at all. Plus it was really modern looking hardware, so it didn’t suite our style. I ended up choosing shiny nickel and went with this knob and this handle. And we love it so much more! In our kitchen, we still plan to add a backsplash, which I think Kurt and I might do ourselves! That should be fun haha. But it’s a little further down our to-do list right now.
I am still deciding on a few things, but I also want to get a new rug for this space. I ordered our current one rather quickly because I just needed one ASAP. And I should have taken more time because I was never really a fan. We also plan to add some sort of kitchen island to the big wall we have. I’m pretty sure you are suppose to put a little dining room table there, but we would never use it. And we need a little more counter space. This one or this one is kind of what I am thinking. We would add our coffee pot there and probably our toaster since we use that a lot.
I have been on the hunt for a good green paint! Our next project is going to be removing the wallpaper and painting our powder bath! I am really excited for this one because our current powder bath is just so gross. I have it narrowed down to a few I like. I’m deciding between Benjamin Moore High Park, Sherwin Williams Evergreen Fog or Farrow & Ball Pigeon.
The look I am going for is kind of darker, brown green I think is how I would describe it. I want to push the envelope a little here. And I want to do the whole room the same color- ceiling, paneling, cabinet and trim! I think it will look cool or it won’t haha and I will be re-painting. Kurt keeps saying how about one shade lighter than the ones I like haha. So I’m even stepping out a little and going a little dark.
Kurt snapped this picture of Sloane above and I a few weeks ago before we left for a one year old birthday party. And let me tell you, Sloane had the time of her life. She loved the ball pit the most and it was really hard to pull her out of it. She loved watching all the big kids play, eating all the yummy snacks and taking it all in. It was a really fun day!
Here are some things I’ve found while shopping lately:
- I have been on the hunt for a martini or small drink table to put by my spindle chair in our living room. This one and this one have both caught my eye.
- I can’t believe I would ever say this, but I have really enjoyed doing my nails at home lately. And I think it’s largely because of these nail polishes. They make it so easy to get the perfect manicure. I need to do a whole post about this because I have a lot more I could say haha- so stay tuned! My favorite colors are That Euphoria Life and Off White.
- J.Crew has the cutest stuff out right now! In my shopping cart is this top, this dress, this bathing suit (love the Lemon Sorbet!) and this clutch.
- My favorite belt bag now comes in navy, which I ordered for Spring! I use this more than any other bag right now. It makes it very convienent being hands free.
- I got these jeans last week in the mail and I am really impressed with them. They are so soft and stretchy and I adore the fit. They are skinny thru the leg, but kick out at the bottoms and they look really cute with sneakers. I’ve been wearing them non-stop and that’s saying a lot because I’ve lived in leggings the last year haha. Currently on sale here. More sizes here.
- I also bought this pair of shorts and let me just tell you, they are the best! I’ve had a pair for years and years and they are always my go to. I wanted the longer pair just because my other pair seems to get shorter and shorter every year haha. They are currently on sale for 25% off here!
- I adore this dress– it would be perfect for a Spring or Summer wedding. It also comes in white if you are a bride!
- I thought this polo exercise dress was really cute and nice if you want to cover up your shoulders.
- This mirror that I have in blue above my bar cart, now comes in white! This would be really cute in my powder bath so I need to measure if it will fit!
- I ordered this hyaluronic acid and just got it in the mail and I think it’s the product my skin has been needing! My skin has been pretty dry since I started using retinol, even before that really. And I couldn’t take it anymore! I’m crossing my fingers that this is just what my skin needs but so far so good! I’ve always had really good luck with Kiehl’s products. To use, I mix a drop or two into my moisturizer twice a day and rub into my skin. It’s a little more oily with this product, but I give myself a little massage and after a few minutes it soaks right in.
- I ordered Sloane her favorite (or should I say mine haha) leggings in this adorable light blue. I thought they would be super cute for Spring! They go in and out of stock so sign up for back in stock notifications.
- I ended up selling Sloane’s high chair because we haven’t been using it and I don’t think she really liked it that much. She loves this $20 booster seat and she can sit in a real chair. It kind of works out for everyone. So because I sold her high chair, I bought her this table and chairs. It should be here in a few days and I can’t wait to get it set up!
- I grabbed Sloane this Easter sticker book to put in her basket. I haven’t really given her stickers before, but I have a feeling they will keep her busy haha.
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xoxox Amanda
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