Jacket | Dress | Leggings | Sneakers
I always really enjoy these ‘life lately’ posts as it allows me to just share…without an agenda or specific topic 🙂 And it’s a fun way to share some shopping finds that I’ve stumbled upon. It really seems like you like these posts too because they are the most read usually!
So, what’s been going on? Well, Addie is having surgery tomorrow and we are all a ball of nerves. And very excited to finally have it done and be in the recovery stage instead of this weird limbo time frame. We had this really icy, heavy snow in late February, early March and Addie is a husky who (of course) loves the snow. Kurt had just taken her on a walk and she was out in the backyard running around and playing in the snow, doing zoomies and being a crazy puppy. We think she got a little too over zealous and must have landed wrong on her leg and with the icy snow, her leg somehow got twisted and injured. We didn’t see it happen. She came up to the door and wanted to be let in and she was limping and hasn’t been the same since 🙁
Of course this had to happen on a Saturday when our vet was closed. She didn’t seem to be in any immediate pain or else we would have absolutely taken her to the emergency vet. But she couldn’t put any pressure on her leg. We took her to the vet that Monday and they said it was a minor ACL tear and let’s give it two weeks and some pain meds to see if it will heal.
Two weeks go by and nothing has changed and she now has to have surgery. This last month has been really hard. We love to go on family walks together. And Addie goes on walks three times a day- she’s a really active dog! And we have not been able to take her at all. I feel so bad for her. I wish I could tell her and make her understand that we aren’t going on walks because we don’t love you. It’s because we don’t want you to get worse! She has been a little bummed out lately and it makes me feel really sad.
So tomorrow is the big day! The recovery process is going to be really hard on her and all of us. No walks for six weeks. And she can’t even go out in the yard by herself. We have to escort her on the leash. That is going to be a big change for all of us. Oh and no jumping on the couches. So my house is doing to look a little off for the next six weeks as we try and keep her off of everything.
Lately, I have been doing a new workout and I absolutely LOVE it so much more. It’s called The Sculpt Society and I’m hooked. I’m not going to go into too much detail because I plan to do a big post about my experience with it. But, I highly recommend if you are looking for a new workout.
Around the house, I have been concentrating on our kitchen project- post coming soon on this! I never thought I would like or enjoy my kitchen. But lately, when I walk in there I get a smile on my face. We’ve done some minor updates like changing out the hardware, getting a new rug, new accessories, etc. And I am so pleased with how it all came together! One day, probably many, many years down the line we plan to gut it and really make the kitchen ours. But until we are able to do that, we had to make it more our style and it has turned out so good!
And last thing because I know this is getting long. I have been so completely obsessed with this salad!! I literally crave it and have been eating it every single day for lunch. Even Kurt eats it. It’s delicious and really easy to make too. The recipe calls for turkey, but I have been using salami and it’s so good. Turkey would probably be good too though so whatever your preference is.
Here are some things I’ve found while shopping lately:
- This upholstery cleaner is my new best friend. I used it on both of my couches and they both look brand new. A year ago, I had one couch professionally cleaned and it was more expensive than this machine. I’m shocked at how well it cleans! I used the solution that came with it, but am going to order this one.
- I ordered this marble tray for my kitchen and it is beautiful! A tray always helps to keep things looking more organized. Here is the smaller version for hand soap and lotion.
- I finally decided on a light for my front entryway. This is the one I ordered in polished nickel. I love mixing finishes! Most of my other fixtures are brass, but I really love this light and thought it looked better in the nickel. Still have to have to hung so we will see how long that takes me haha.
- I love these outdoor planters and plan to get a few of them for our patio this year. The price is almost too good to be true!
- Adore this tray so much! I need to figure out a place for it. Would look really cute on a coffee table, a buffet, kitchen counter, etc.
- I ordered this leather ottoman for our play room and am super excited. Too bad the lead time is crazy long ughhh. But I think it will be worth the wait. I shared my play room design ideas in this post here.
- Love this sweatshirt so much! Would be a cute gift idea for your sister for Mother’s Day.
- I adore this top so much. It looks so easy and breezy.
- Currently in my cart. I want to get this rug for our outdoor patio this year. I really hate outdoor rugs as they alwasy seem to be dirty and wet. But I also really hate our patio- will be another big project at a later date so we want to get a rug this year to hide it haha.
- I love these marble bowls, but they are usually stupid expensive. This one is really affordable!
- This light is really similar to the light we have in our play room, but about half the price!
- After designing and getting a much better idea on how we want to furnish our play room, I tried ordering these chairs from several different websites this week. All to be canceled 🙁 I’m so upset. But I’ve signed up on several sites for re-stock notificiations, so I hope they come back into stock soon.
- In my cart to order for Sloane. We love playing outside now that it is starting to warm up. But we have nothing to play with! She still somehow stays busy haha, but I thought she would really like this.
- I’ve been cooking a lot more lately and love this recipe binder to keep everything organized. Would make a cute Mother’s Day gift too.
- How cute is this wrapping paper? I like to keep stuff like this on hand so when we have a birthday I’m not scrambling last minute.
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xoxox Amanda
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