Jacket | Tank Top | Jeans, similar here | Sandals (read my review here), similar here | Couch | Artwork | Rug | Lamp | Basket
How crazy is it that it’s September already?! This summer felt so short this year. Kurt and I were discussing this the other day and I really think it was because the weather was so mild here in Michigan. It would get hot during the day, but cool off at night. Which has been amazing! We have barely had our AC on this summer. But I think because of that- it feels like we didn’t have many summer days!
We had a really nice Labor Day weekend last weekend. We stayed in town, took Sloane to the zoo and went to the pool as much as we could. Our pool sadly closed last weekend, which never really makes sense because it stays hot thru the end of September usually. I’m pretty sure it is because the lifeguards are all kids that go back to school 🙁 I always love long weekends and that extra day with Sloane!
Over the weekend Kurt ripped down the disgusting wallpaper in our powder bath. The renovations are starting! Kurt is going to prep and sand all of the walls for me and then I am going to paint and wallpaper. So wish us luck! Even just removing the yellowish wallpaper has made a huge difference. It’s so much brighter in that small space.
I shared my plans for what I’m going for in this post. Over the weekend I saw that the wallpaper I am going to use was half off so I bought it- and it already delivered! The itch is real haha. I have a sample of this fabric and just love the print. I decided I am going to use this fabric to have a Roman shade made. It is going to look so cute in there when it’s all done…and I can’t wait. Now I just need to bug Kurt to get it started for me.
Over the weekend, Kurt and I got a lot done around the house. I have this old armoire that I had in my room when I was growing up. I love the piece so much but it just didn’t look right in our living room. And I have no idea what I want to do with it. I keep thinking maybe we will use it someday in Sloane’s room. But her room has a weird layout (old homes are fun!) so I don’t think there would be room. Anyway, I’ve been toying with the idea of selling but I just never do. I think I would regret it. Kurt and I ended up moving it into our garage over the weekend. It will be nice to store things in it and then we can possibly use it down the road.
Now that this space is freed up in our living room, I ordered this console table. I have been in love with this for many months! I adore burlwood and this is such an affordable option. It should be here in the next few days so I will be sure to share on Instagram once we get it set up. I think this little space is going to look so good once I get it all styled!
PS- I adore this jacket that I am wearing. I was contemplating sending it back because I don’t get fancy anymore. But I am so glad I kept it. It is really cute and really comfy and just adorable! If you work in an office, it would be perfect for these in between days we are having right now. Or to cover up if you get cold in the AC. I’m going to be wearing if every chance I get!
And here are some things I’ve found around the internet lately:
- This is the cutest striped sweater. I love the oversized fit of it.
- Over the weekend, we hung a some of Sloane’s artwork in the hallway in our kitchen. Eventually, I plan to make it floor to ceiling covered in all of our artwork over the years. I ordered more of these frames so I could frame some of the artwork she already has. They are really nice for only $7 a piece!
- My mom grabbed this shirt for Sloane for Halloween season- isn’t it cute?!
- Very into brown this season and I love the color of these leggings.
- This sweatshirt looks so cute- love the buttons on it too.
- This is one of the cutest sweaters I’ve seen lately! And it’s only $50. They have really great quality and the prices are really good if you’ve never ordered from them before. I also adore this oversized cable knit cardigan. Such a cozy sweater for the fall!
- This burlwood tray is on my wish list. I’m just very into this material lately!
- I finally decided on pillows for my living room and I ordered these. I have this thing with pillows- I just love them! They totally make or break a room in my opinion, so I’ve been agonizing over this for way too long haha.
- I’m pretty sure we are going to buy Sloane a bounce house for Christmas. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Having a bounce house these days is like having a trampoline when we were growing up. I’ve had my eye on this white one.
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xoxox Amanda
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