Lamp | Dresser | Curtains | Curtain Rods
We officially have a crawler! My last life lately post, I mentioned she was very close to crawling. Well a few days later she started full on crawling. And life has been busy! haha. We should have know, but of course we haven’t really prepared for this…opps. We still need to get baby gates and probably take down some things and store them in the basement. But for now we are going with it. She loves to crawl around the house now and gets into lots of fun trouble. Her favorite right now is pulling herself up onto her knees on the coffee table and playing with all of her bibs we store there. The other night, I saw her actually stand up onto her feet from a seated position, usually she just gets on her knees. So I’m sure she will be walking in no time!
It is crazy how much they change in such a short period of time. We met our friends new baby last weekend who is a month old now and I don’t even remember Sloane being that small. She has now turned into this crazy toddler which I am sure is about to get way worse haha. She won’t sit still either. Babbles all the time and is sooo close to saying mama! She’s been saying dada for awhile now, so I’m excited for her to expand her vocabulary.
We have also been doing so much in our yard this year. It has been almost a year since we moved (special post coming next week!) and last year we did absoultly nothing to the yard. We had zero time to dedicate to it. And by the fall, we had a tiny human that kept us busy. So we are finally tackling it all this year. I know I keep saying we, but Kurt is actually the one who is doing it all! And he’s doing a really good job too. Last week, he racked out all of the flower beds and laid new mulch down in the front. And wow, what a big improvement. And it didn’t even really cost that much. We still have lots to do the backyard that we plan to tackle in the coming weeks.
Speaking of our yard. My mom was telling how Home Depot had peony bushes. I mentioned that I really wanted to plant some this year because they are my absolute favorite! Well, the other day I was out in our yard and I found two peony bushes! I had no idea we had any. Last year, I spent zero time in our yard because we were concentrating so much on unpacking and getting the house organized. I was super excited and can’t wait now to cut flowers from my own yard.
Here are some things I found this week:
- I found the most adorable lamp and lamp shade. I love rattan touches in my home and this is just too cute.
- Lately, I have been trying to design our powder bath. We plan to gut the entire thing and start from scratch. It’s a project we likely won’t get to until sometime next year, but I still have been very excited about it. And I think I finally decided on this wallpaper. I just love it. And it is exactly what I envisioned for the space.
- I have been in full on planning mode for Sloane’s first birthday party and I’m so excited for it. I’m probably going way overboard, but Etsy will get you! This is her invite and a sneak peak on what’s to come.
- Speaking of my powder bath, I found this tissue box cover that I thought would be really cute in there. I don’t know why, but I love these things. It makes the box look so much better in my opinion.
- Since we have been spending so much time outdoors lately and now that we have some patio furniture, I have been on the hunt for some cute outdoor plates that won’t break. And I found these! How cute are they?!
- I recently came across this media console that I am so in love with. I’ve been on the hunt because we need something for our TV in our den. And I need something with cabinets to store all of Sloane’s toys. Sadly, I think this one is too big for our space 🙁 but, of course, it is exactly what I am looking for.
- Did you hear about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale? Preview of the items starts on June 29. So I recommend making a wish list and adding all the items you are interested in to your wish list. That way when you can shop, you can easily check out. I can’t really think of anything specific that I am shopping for, but I am sure I will find something haha.
- How adorable is this headband?! This year we are going up to Traverse City for the Cherry Festival (my parents live up there) and this would be so perfect! I grew up going every year, so I’m excited for Sloane to experience it.
- I am 99% sure this is the next car seat we are going to buy for Sloane. So many people rave about it! I know in years past it has been included in the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale so I think I might wait and hopefully be able to snag it on sale.
- I am so obsessed with this dress! You can’t beat the price either. I really like that this is trendy, but still conservative at the same time. And I just realized that they re-stocked it in a lot of sizes. It was sold out in my size over Memorial weekend and I’m glad to see they have it now. Ordering it in the navy for the 4th of July!
- I am also very in love this adorable top. Would be so cute for date night!
- I’m not really in the market for a new rug, but I adore this one! Wondering where I can add this because it’s perfect.
Have a great weekend!
xoxox Amanda
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