Oh my goodness, the last two weeks have been pure insanity! I started off my week two weeks ago by going back to Chicago for a couple of nights for work. It was actually so nice to be back and see my girlfriends who I’ve missed a ton. It was nice to be back but also felt a little weird. Like I didn’t belong their anymore. And it didn’t feel like home. I will say- I DID NOT miss the traffic. Oy it was bad!
When I came home, my brother in law and sister in law had just arrived from California with my nephew and niece. So it was a houseful for a couple of days. But so much fun. The last time they were in town was Christmas and Sloane was just still so small then. So this trip she loved playing with her cousins. And it was so fun to see them all together.
That weekend, we headed up to Lake Lansing where Kurt’s aunt and uncle live to celebrate the 4th of July. We go every year, but this year was so special because it was Sloane’s first time! We had close to 40 people this year so as you can imagine it was a madhouse…in the best way possible. Sloane loved swimming in the lake (we got her this) and playing with all of her cousins.
Last year at this time, I was pregnant and it was hard to imagine that the following year we would have a baby in tow. It amazes me what can change in a year. The one thing I was a little shocked by was Sloane hated the boat. Like screamed the whole time until we finally went back and she got off haha. She’s always a little cautious of things at first so maybe we will try again?!
One piece of advice that Kurt’s cousin gave me before our trip was that she always buys her kids their own life preservers before any trip so that way you know for sure that they are the correct weight and age limit for your child. I really liked that advice and ended up ordering Sloane this one before our trip. Even though she hated the boat it was still worth it to have. Hoping she can still wear it next year too.
I had the whole week of the 4th of July off which was so nice. And Sloane stayed home from daycare that week too. One day we headed up to our neighborhood pool with one of my good friends and her kids. And it was a blast! I was the fun one and was jumping off the diving boards with her kids. It honestly felt so good because it was so hot that day!
And then at the tail end of the week, we headed up to Traverse City for the Cherry Festival and to see my parents! I use to go every year as a kid because my grandparents lived up there and I have very fond memories of it as a kid. I hope to take Sloane every year. There is nothing like up north Michigan in the summertime.
To wrap it up, the last two weeks have been so busy but in such a good way! Last year, we had just moved. And I was pretty pregnant at that time. We were just getting into our groove of living in MI and then Sloane decided to make her appearance early! So I feel like we didn’t really get much of a summer last year. Kurt just said to me the other day that he feels like this summer has been so long this year. And I have to agree! We have been soaking it all in.
Ok, here are some items that have caught my eye recently!
- I ended up buying Sloane this car seat at the Nordstrom Anniversary sale (see my other picks here). I was pleasantly surprised it was still in stock!
- While browsing the Nordstrom sale, I came across these adorable shoes for Sloane and had to get them. I don’t really put shoes on her, but she is now pulling herself up and standing for longer periods of time so I think it will be soon that she is walking.
- During Amazon Prime Day, I bought this light that looks exactly like this Pottery Barn one that I’ve had my eye on. I can’t get over it. I think I might put this on our third floor, in our guest bedroom or maybe in our entryway. Will be sure to share once I have it hung!
- I’m in love with these sneakers. This is the first time I’ve seen them in this color.
- This snack container honestly looks so fun and convenient for Sloane. It even spins haha.
- I’ve been on the hunt for pillows for my couch and Kurt’s aunt had these in her home. I wanted to steal them haha. Amazon to the rescue!
- I finally found a pair of fisherman sandals at an affordable price. These are so cute! And I like that they are a little more closed so they would be great as we head into fall.
- On the weekends, I love to wear hats. This one would go with everything.
- I’m always a sucker for a good white dress and this one makes no exceptions- it’s gorgeous!
- Every year I lust over these sneakers for fall. Maybe someday I will actually buy them! They are perfect for the cooler temps.
- Jeans area always a must buy as we head into fall and I recently added this pair to my cart. They are perfect with sneakers.
- I’m going to order this book for Sloane’s birthday. We have another book by this author and it’s our favorite. Also, HOW are we less than two weeks until her first birthday! I cannot get over how fast this last year has gone.
Have a great rest of your Thursday!
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xoxox Amanda
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