Couch | Pillows | Wallpaper | Side Table | Lamp | Ottoman | Tray | Rug | Blue Swivel Chairs | Rattan Side Table | Book
I truly cannot believe that this year is now more than halfway over. And next week, my baby is turning two. That is mind boggling to me! Where has the time gone?! Anyway, I wanted to do a little mid-year check-in to update you on how my word of the year is going (read about it here) and also how our home renovations are going (read my about my wish list for 2023 here).
I kind of got this idea a few weeks ago to do a mid-year check-in because I feel like we all have these great intentions in January and then life gets busy and your goals for the year are put on the backburner. At least that is how I feel! I actually forgot what my word of the year was so that might be telling you something 🙂
Word of the Year Mid-Year Check-In
My word of the year for 2023 was Focus. You can go back and read my post on it here. But I think, for the most part, I’ve done a really good job at this. One of the big areas I wanted to focus on this year was my health. I’ve finally found a new workout that I love. I actually haven’t really talked about it much, but I’ve been doing it for a few months now and I just love everything about it. I plan on writing a whole post on it, but I find myself wanting to workout and craving the time. Even on vacation a few weeks ago- I worked out! And I am not that person!
I’m still really into cooking which was a goal and I’ve gotten really good. I’m trying to share more of the recipes I make on Instagram stories so be sure to check that out if you need some ideas. I quickly realized I hate lemon water. It’s just not for me! But I do drink a big glass of water first thing every morning now which I think is just as good.
In terms of focusing on my family- I need to do better about putting my phone down around Sloane. I forgot I put this as a goal so it’s a good reminder. And Kurt and I are still working on carving out more time for date nights/chats/etc. We take Addie for a walk on our lunch break a few times a week and we chat then. And we did recently have a nice date night which we had not had in a long time! Still a work in progress, but sometimes we are just too tired and exhausted from chasing our toddler around all day!
In the friends area, I think this could still use some improvement. I need to put myself out there more so this is a reminder to myself to work on this a little more.
And the last area was focusing on my home, which we have done a lot already this year to our home! We’ve added more furniture, did small updates to our kitchen, updated our basement landing, etc. Will share more below on this!
Home Renovations Mid-Year Check-In

The finished DIY project! Garbage Can | Navy and White Stripe Rug | Basket hung on wall | White cart in basement landing
Kurt and I completed our first DIY project which was our basement landing. You can read about it here. And it looks so nice! I’m really happy with it. Phase 2 will be updating the tile, but that will be awhile.

Rug in kitchen | Knobs | Drawer Pulls | Hand Soap and Lotion Set | Scallop Marble Dish | Paper Towel Holder | Gingham 3 Tier Stand | Marble Tray | Olive Oil Dispenser | Salt & Pepper Grinder | Butter Dish | Utensil Holder | Spoon Rest | Tea Pot
We also did some minor updates to our kitchen which have made a huge improvement. I actually get excited now to walk into my kitchen. It just looks so much nicer and is more our style. Read more about the updates in this post.

Peel and Stick Grasscloth Wallpaper | Hand Towels | Toilet Paper Holder | Rug | Sconces | Mirror | Hand Towel Ring | Tissue Box Cover | Vanity
Our powder bath update has been on hold. I fully thought I was going to start this in May. I wrote a post about my design ideas and was expecting to get started in the next few weeks. And it just hasn’t happened yet haha. I realized it’s summer and I want to spend as much time as I can outside right now. Plus we have been doing a lot to our yard right now. The plan is to tackle this in October/November when it’s too cold to be outside. Will share more once it’s complete!

House Numbers | Mailbox | Planters | Rug | Wreath, similar here and here
As far as some odds and ends projects, I have ticked a few off the list. I finally decided on house numbers and a new mailbox (more in this post). I’m really happy with what we choose too. I hemmed Sloane’s curtains in her room- I actually did them myself. And I’m embarrassed to say that is was super easy. I talk more about them in this post here.

Our yard is one thing we wanted to concentrate on this year and you guys- it looks so good this year!!! I made this reel about our yard. I’m so proud of us because it was a disaster when we first moved in. My favorite part has been planting more hydrangeas in blue and pink. They are in full bloom right now and they are just so pretty!! We also added a couple outdoor rugs which has made a big difference since we aren’t crazy about the patio. One day, we will have the patio re-done, but in the meantime the rugs have made a big difference.
And lastly, I have done a lot already in terms of decorating our home! The biggest transformation has been the play room (see my design ideas in this post). I got new rug and our light blue chairs (read about them in this post) and we just got our new leather ottoman and the room is finally a room haha! It’s probably my favorite space in our house. I still have some décor, pillows and artwork I want to add before it officially feels done. But this room was completely empty two years ago when we moved in. Remember the gross walls?!
I still have plenty more I want to add to our home- you can read about my current home décor wish list here. It’s never ending haha.
Feels good to check-in and catch up! Have a great rest of the month.
xoxox Amanda
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