Hoodie | Tissue Box Cover | Olive Oil Dispenser | Leopard Slippers | Storage Container | Tea Kettle | Book | Sneakers | Glasses | Handbag | Cutting Board
Today I wanted to share my Christmas wish list. But before I get into it, I feel the need to explain this for some reason. I kind of thought twice about sharing this post. 2020 has been a very hard year for everyone. And I am not immune to what is going on in the world with job losses, people suffering, the economy, etc. It’s really sad to watch the news every day and hear about it all (I try and limit the news and Kurt won’t even watch it). Do I really need any of this ‘stuff’? Absolutely not! I would much rather have time with my family and friends this year over any of this.
We don’t typically even do a big Christmas in my family. Kurt and I don’t exchange gifts. We haven’t in years! When we were first married, we decided we would buy a gift sort of together every year. One that we could both benefit from. One year we bought bedroom furniture, another year a camera, etc.
This year we decided we wouldn’t’ do any gifts and we were going to donate to a charity. We are still working on which one! I say this not to make anyone feel bad if you are going ‘big’ this Christmas. I think we could all use a little extra joy in our lives this year. I’m sharing my story because I don’t think Christmas has to be all about gifts. I saw someone mention on Instagram that they were donating this year instead of gifting and I thought it was a really great idea.
Anyway, I still decided to share my Christmas wish list because I think it’s fun! And we could all use a release from the bad stuff going on. I always find it interesting to see what others are wanting or lusting over. Maybe its me being nosey haha. So here we go!
My Christmas Wish List
Hoodie– This is a new to me athletic wear brand that I just discovered. I ordered this pullover and have been wearing it non stop! I’m really impressed with the quality and fit of it. And it’s really cozy. This hoodie is next on my list to try. I have a feeling I will live in it.
Tissue Box Cover– I don’t know why, but I have been obsessing over tissue box covers haha. I think they are a great idea to hide the ugly boxes.
Olive Oil Dispenser– Kurt drizzles olive oil and a balsamic vinegar on his lunch every day. Right now we have the bottles sitting out on our countertops. But I thought it would be a great idea to get these dispensers because they are so much prettier!
Leopard Slippers– I could kick myself for not ordering these slippers because now they are sold out! I’ve slowly become very obsessed with this brand (Barefoot Dreams). It is the ultimate cozy gear so I have to imagine these are just as amazing. I will be stalking these until they come back into stock!
Storage Container– This is super random, but this year I have been on a huge organization kick. And these containers are great for your cupboards to add sugar, flour, snacks etc to. They are also really nice because the smaller sizes you can stack so it takes up less space and your cupboards look more organized. A great solution if you live in a small space like we do. I could always use more of these too.
Tea Kettle– I have been obsessed with Mackenzie-Childs! I actually wrote about it in this post haha. Anyway, I would love to own the tea kettle because it is a classic and iconic piece. Lately, I have enjoyed drinking a glass of hot chocolate at night and this tea kettle would make it a lot easier to warm up the water. Kurt also told me I wasn’t allowed to get this until I would actually use it haha because it would just sit on our stove. So now I would actually use it!
Book– I have been obsessed lately with books to add to my coffee table and this one is so pretty. They are also great to use if you need extra height.
Sneakers– Golden Goose are my all time favorite sneakers. They come out with new designs a lot and they get me every time. I mean, they change up the laces or add something so small and I’m like I gotta have that pair. Somehow (probably because they are so expensive), I do resist the urge to order every pair. I wrote a blog post on if they are worth it and yes, I would 100% say they are. I have been lusting after this pair. And I don’t know if this is a bad thing or good thing haha, but they are sold out of my size. Sigh.
Glasses– I have been wanting a funky pair of frames for some time now and these are exactly what I have been looking for. I do wear contacts and glasses at night, but I think I would just get the blue light lenses in these. I have been wanting to try those out since I tend to get headaches easily when I have been on my phone or computer for too long.
Also, if you haven’t tried Warby Parker before they are really awesome. You easily select frames you want to try and for free, they ship you those frames. You try them on, find what you like and select a frame you like the best. Once you have picked out a frame, you can easily order with your prescription. Kurt and I both have glasses from them (we have had them for years) and the process is so easy. And not to mention they are rather inexpensive for glasses.
Handbag– I have been lusting HARD for this bag! A blogger I follow owns it and before I saw it on her, I probably would have never thought twice about it. But the way she styles and carries it has me sold! See it here. About a year ago, I was in Nordstrom and they carry the line so I was able to try it on and see the bag in person and it is gorgeous. A true classic that I don’t think will ever go out of style. It is really roomy on the inside with a pop of plaid! I actually thought they discontinued the bag and I was so upset! I have been stalking the site to see if they would bring it back and they finally did. Thank goodness!
Cutting Board– Kurt and I love to make cheese boards on the weekends so I have been lusting over this cutting board. You all know my love for all things white!
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xoxox Amanda
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