PCA Creamy Cleanser | SK-II Facial Treatment Essence | Kiehl’s Re-texturizing Serum | Skinceuticals Re-texturizing Activator | Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream | Tula Eye Cream | Kiehl’s Lip Balm | Skinceuticals Clarifying Clay Masque
This post has been a long time coming! Back in January almost every blog that I read starting talking about skincare and all of the products they use to have perfect, glowing skin. I’ve always taken excellent care of my skin. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve went to bed without washing my face. And most of them were from a drunken night back in college haha. But my skin and the products I was using were in need of a bit of a refresh. My skin was looking dry, dull and even into my mid-30’s I was still suffering from more breakouts than I would like to admit.
So let’s back up a bit before I get into my skincare routine for acne prone skin. Everyone has different skin types and needs so I think it’s important to lay out mine before we get started. I have acne prone skin but it is also very sensitive. And by that I mean almost every new product I use on my skin I immediately break out. I have to be very careful of what I use because, who wants unneeded pimples? Not me!
As a teenager, I had really bad acne. To the point that I was finally put on acutane. And after a year of being on the medication, I finally had perfect skin. All throughout college and thru my late 20’s my skin was perfection. I had occasional breakouts, but overall I was happy with my skin.
I swear the second I turned 30, I started suffering from hormonal breakouts. And I absolutely hated it! It was so frustrating because I take really good care of my skin and I drink a ton of water, yet I no longer had that perfect skin that I was longing for. Your skin just changes as you get older- period.
I’ve started to talk about our journey to have a family (see my first post here) and we aways knew after my friends wedding in Antigua we would start official trying. So in prep to that I went to see a dermatologist. My skin was at an all time low. I was breaking out constantly and I just couldn’t get it under wraps. I needed to bring in a professional. So I made an appointment and she prescribed me a ton of medications and creams. And after three months, my skin was cleared up and looking amazing! Finally!
Since a lot of these medications she had prescribed me were not ‘pregnant friendly’ if you will, I had to stop using them all when we started trying. There are so many restrictions when you get pregnant and a lot of acne medications and creams are a big no no.
My skin stayed consistent for about a year. And then out of no where, I started breaking out big time. Most likely a lot of it was all the hormonal changes that was going on with my body. I was stressed from the whole process of trying to get pregnant and on top of it all, I was on all kinds of medicines to help me conceive. It got so bad that I was shying away from looking people in the eye when they spoke to me. I was so embarrassed about how bad my skin was.
I knew I needed to make some major changes with my routine. But I was hesitant to go back and see my dermatologist. She had told me if I was trying to get pregnant, there really wasn’t a lot of medication that I could be on. So after doing a little research, I decided I would treat myself and start getting monthly facials. I knew this would help kick start my skin and also they could help me find the right balance of products that I should be using for MY skin. And the facialist could help me find over the counter products. With so many skincare options out there these days, there really is no reason you can’t find products that work. It’s just a matter of actually finding them!
I’ve talked about this a bit here and there on Instagram. But I completely attest to my skin finally clearing up to getting facials every month to two months. The first time I got one, I booked a regular facial and after my consultation she recommended a peel (I was in IVF limbo at this time, so it was safe to get one). Now I’ve been getting a hydra facial which is a special machine they use to suck up all the dead skin. It leaves your skin glowing! And it’s safe to do while pregnant or trying.
I see Kaitlyn at Spa Derma in the West Loop and she has helped to completely transform my skin! She actually just moved out of state which makes me very sad. So my next appointment I will be seeing someone new but I’m confident she will be just as good as Kaitlyn.
My advise if you want to start getting facials is to buy a package deal. The spa I go to always has deals going on! So just make sure you ask because they aren’t aways listed on their website either. I try and get a facial once a month, but that doesn’t always work out with my schedule so I try and stick to every 4-8 weeks. The first appointment I would buy a package deal. Expect to pay a bit more (facials do not come cheap, just trying to be honest). But in the end this will actually save you money because you get them for such a better deal.
At the next appointment since you don’t have to pay for your facial, buy a couple of products that your facialist recommends. I started by changing out my cleanser and moisturizer which is probably the most important products to start with. At all following appointments, since I wasn’t paying again for the facial (I buy a package), I then added in more serums that help target specific areas of concern. I will go into a bit more detail below on each product I use. A facial can only do so much for your skin. But what really makes your skin perfection is what you do at HOME! So buy the products that they recommend- you can thank them later!
I wouldn’t say that my skin is even close to perfect. But then again does anyone ever say that? I think it’s pretty hard to achieve that. My skin has come a LONG way! But I can say confidently that the last few months, I have had very minimal breakouts. My skin feels hydrated and subtle and I can confidently look people in the eye while talking to them without being embarrassed about my skin.
Ok, before we get into what I actually use on my skin, I also want to offer up a bit of advice. Do not go out and buy a ton of new items and change everything all at once. You won’t know what is actually working for your skin or what is causing you to breakout, become red, etc. Change one product at a time and after using it for a good two to four weeks, THEN add in or change another product. My skin is also so sensitive that some products I would use every other night and then would work my way up to using nightly and then twice a day.
And while I do consider myself to have acne prone skin, I have to be super careful about using too harsh of products. Not even sure if that makes sense haha. But I swear some acne medications are just too much for my skin. So my skin then produces even more oil and in turn breaks out. Just something else to consider when you are looking for new products. Ok, now that we’ve gotten all the background out of the way- let’s chat about all of the products I’ve been using lately!
My Everyday Skin Care Routine
PCA Creamy Cleanser
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This was one of my the first products that I changed up. Before I was using Cetaphil and once I told my facialist that she went into this big long lecture about how it wasn’t what I needed and how it was actually causing me to breakout. She could not believe it, but this was actually what my dermatologist had recommended to I kept on using it. Hey, it was cheap! This is a creamy cleanser which I have always preferred. It is super effective at getting all of my makeup off at the end of the day. They also make a foaming cleanser if that is more your preference. I absolutely love this cleanser. It is gets all of my makeup off at the end of the day, yet doesn’t strip my skin or make if feel dry.
SK-II Facial Treatment Essence
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I added this into my routine after doing some research on my own. Mostly I was persuaded by other bloggers recommending this product haha- they can be quite convincing! I jut had to try it and when I realized Sephora sold it, I bought it during one of their VIB sales (I got 20% off!).
At first I did’t think this product was doing anything for my skin. It literally feels like you are putting water on your face. Your face doesn’t tingle, feel moisturized and there is no smell to it. When I say if feels like water I mean it! But because it was so expensive and all of the rave reviews this product gets, I decided to keep using it until the bottle was gone. Once the bottle was gone, my skin started looking dull and I was getting a new pimple every now and then. And the only thing I had changed in my routine was not using this. Sephora had another sale so I knew I had to re-purchase this again. And now my skin is back to normal. It defiantly helps to balance your skin and adds radiance.
This is the most expensive item in my routine but it lasts a good four months. I use it sparingly twice a day and it’s the first product I add to my skin after I cleanse. I drop a little bit of the product onto my fingertips and then I gently pat and press it all over my skin. And be careful when you are using your fingertips because sometimes it seeps thru. It is way too expensive to waste any of this so you just have to be careful!
Kiehl’s Re-texturizing Serum
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This is one of my all time favorite serums I’ve ever used. I apply it all over my face both morning and night. One of my good girlfriends told me about this product and she is obsessed with it. So you know I also had to try it! It helps to moisturize your skin at the deepest level. It plumps up your skin and also helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. And it helps with treating dull, tired looking skin which is exactly how I would have described my skin before I starting using this product.
What I’ve noticed after using this product is how smooth my skin is. It feels like the skin of a baby, I swear! And I’ve also noticed that because this product also moisturizes your skin, you don’t need as much or as heavy of a cream after. If you have oily skin or even during some of those hot and humid days, you could get away with using this as your moisturizer. I love that brands are now making travel sized versions, so if you want to try it, get the travel size for only $19. I promise after a week of using it you will be hooked!
Skinceuticals Re-texturizing Activator
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I use this product only at night and I use about 2-3 drops of it. And I pat it into my skin similar to the SK-II. This helps to exfoliate your skin and turn it over which in turn leaves you skin more radiant. It isn’t harsh like some exfoliants can be and it’s safe to use on a daily basis. It also helps combat fine lines and wrinkles. I’ve noticed a difference in my skin’s texture after using this. My pores look smaller and overall this product has helped to give me a glow.
Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream
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I’ve always been a huge fan of Kiehl’s and they were the only products I would use years ago. For some reason, I stopped using them, but I knew I had to try them again when I started changing up my routine. I’ve always had issues with finding the perfect moisturizer to use. I love that feeling of being super hydrated, but heavier creams make my skin break out. This is the perfect moisturizer for having the best of both worlds. I feel hydrated but my skin doesn’t break out! This is also a product that you will most likely need to change up seasonally. Your skin always feels more dry in the fall and winter time. So pay special attention to your skin as the temps start to drop. You might notice you need a thicker cream!
Tula Eye Cream
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Truthfully, I’m not one to be completely committed to an eye cream. I buy a new one every time my current one runs out. But with that being said I do really like this Tula one! I’ve tried a ton of their products in the past and none of them worked for my skin. They were all way too harsh. I would defiantly buy another jar of this. For the price it works really well. My eye area is hydrated, my makeup doesn’t crease and I don’t see any fine lines popping up.
Kielh’s Lip Balm
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Now I know this doesn’t particularly count as skin care but your lips need to be hydrated too and this is the best lip balm ever! I stash one in my handbag, bathroom and at work. I can’t live without this product-it’s that good. It takes away the chapped feeling and flakiness. And you are left with super hydrated lips!
Skinceuticals Clarifying Clay Masque
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This is one of the best masks I have ever used. Typically I use this about 2-3 times a weeks at night before I got to bed. I cleanse first, pat my face dry and then slather this all over my face. And leave it on for about 10 minutes or until my skin is too stiff to move. I then rinse it off with warm water and continue on with my skincare steps using SK-II, serums, etc. It is so effective yet doesn’t dry your skin out. And it’s super gentle. Bonus- I use this as a spot treatment on pimples. After I have finished my routine, I will dab a little on a pimple and go to bed. It helps to zap it without leaving your skin super dry and flaky.
Other Products I’ve Used and Recommend
Along the way, I’ve tried quite a few products that I actually really like. But in the end they aren’t part of my every day routine or I use them more sparingly as the need arises. I still want to share these with you because they might work for you!
PCA Clearskin Moisturizer
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Another moisturizer that I’ve tried along the way is this PCA Clearskin that I bought after a facial. I absolutely love it but it just wasn’t enough for my skin. I was feeling too dry after using it so that is when I switched to the Kiehl’s product. But it makes your skin feel so incredibly smooth. I was astonished at how soft and subtle my skin felt after only a couple of days of using it. If you have more oily skin, I highly recommend you try this.
PCA Acne Gel
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I initially started using this product and I completely owe my clearer skin to this product. It tends to be more drying so I worked myself up to using it twice a day. I started using it at night for a few weeks and once my skin got used to that, I added it into my daytime routine. This product is not recommended for pregnancy so if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, I would talk to your doctor first. If you aren’t trying- I say go for it! It helps get rid of blemishes and keeps new ones away.
PCA Blemish Control Bar
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This is another awesome product that you can use 2-3 times a week as a mask. I was a little perplexed on how to actually get the product onto my face when I first used it. It’s kind of a strange material. What I do is wet my hands and rub vigorously on the product to work up a lather which you can then apply all over your face. This is also an awesome product to use on your body if you suffer breakouts on your chest or back. I will use this as a mask if I have some really bad breakouts that I just can’t seen to clear up. After a couple of uses, it clears everything right up!
Tula Duel Phase Treatment Pads
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This is another really great product to use as a mask if you are breaking out. It leaves you skin feeling incredible smooth and hydrated, yet not stripped or dry feeling. And it helps to keep blemishes away!
Skinceutials C E Ferulic
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This is my newest product I’ve added to my routine and I’m so excited for it! And by new, I mean I’ve only used it a couple of days. But after all the wonderful things I’ve read about it, I’m confident I will love it! It helps to nourish and diminish scaring or dark spots on your skin which is why I had to try it. Nothing that I have tried in the past has worked. And while this product is extremely expensive, it will last a long time. It should for the money! A trick I have is to sign up for emails at Dermstore and you will get a 20% off code that can be used on your entire purchase. So you save a little money on it and get to try this wonderful product. It’s a win win!
I hope you’ve found some new products to test out and try! And feel free to ask any questions. I know some of them can be on the pricer side but it’s worth it to invest in your skin!
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xoxox Amanda
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