Sloane will be three months old this week which is just crazy to me! Our nanny started last week and I officially went back to work also. Time is just flying by! Now that I have a grasp on things a little bit at least, I wanted to share some of our newborn essentials. I was pretty clueless when we had her so I relied on blog posts from my favorite bloggers and my girlfriends to help me out. But as everyone will tell you, every baby is different and has different needs. And what one mom loves, another mom might hate. So take it all with a grain of salt!
Newborn Essentials

Snoo | Baby Bjorn Carrier | Tubby Todd All Over Ointment | Moms On Call Book | Hatch Changing Pad and Scale | Noodle & Boo Bath Starter Set | Baby Brezza | Monica & Andy Onsie | Bibs | Stroller | Boppy Pillow and Cover | Owlet Monitor
Snoo– The Snoo is hands down one of the best inventions ever! I feel like we have such a better sleeping baby because of it. In case you aren’t familiar with it, it is a bassinet that rocks the baby back to sleep when they get fussy. It increases in intensity as the baby screams more and more. And it also has a built in sound machine. It also turns off when baby is hungry and not settling down, which as a first time mom is really helpful. Sometimes its hard to decipher if the baby is just crying in their sleep or really needs to get up. I’ve learned now what her cries mean, but I know for sure when the Snoo goes off that she needs my attention. Our very generous friends let us use their machine because I don’t think I would have bought it ourselves. I’ve heard really mixed things about the Snoo, but for us its a life saver!
Baby Bjorn Carrier– I love wearing Sloane and she loves it too. I usually put her in this at the end of the day when she is fussy. By that time she has been upstairs in her Snoo taking naps all day so I like to give her a change of scenery. I can get stuff done and she can be close to me. Plus I like the extra weight she adds so I can burn more calories and start to shed this baby weight that I’ve gained.
Tubby Todd All Over Ointment– Sloane’s head was really dry and flaky and my girlfriend (a seasoned mom) told me this was the best stuff and she wasn’t lying. Within a couple of days of using this, her dry skin was cleared up. It has even helped her baby acne clear up. I also use this on her butt so you can basically put it everywhere haha.
Moms On Call Book– We know a few people who have followed the sleep schedule in this book and after a couple of months their baby was sleeping thru the night! I sort of dreaded ordering it because I had no time to read a book. So I was really surprised when I got the book and a lot of it is bullet points. Perfect for a sleepy mom and dad! We have been following this schedule for about two months now and everyone is so much happier! I know when she is going to eat next and I’m not doing things on the fly. On demand eating is not my thing. We tried it for a few weeks, but I hated not knowing when she was going to wake up next. She is also sleeping great at night and has occasionally slept thru the night!
Hatch Changing Pad and Scale– I had this on my registry and was so excited when my girlfriend bought it for us. Not only is the changing pad super convientet, but it is also a scale. So I take Sloane’s weight every couple of days so I know she is gaining. And it’s just fun to track her growth. The wipeable changing pad is a lifesaver too.
Noodle & Boo Bath Starter Set– This is the absolute best shampoo, body wash and body lotion- it smells sooo good! I bought this set for myself to test it out and I’m hooked now.
Baby Brezza– This is an absolute must have! It is basically a Kerig machine but for baby bottles. You literally push a button and within seconds a perfectly measured, warm bottle emerges. In the middle of the night, its a lifesaver. It does require a lot of cleaning- every four bottles you have to clean the spout so I recommend getting at least one extra spout so you can always have one clean.
Monica & Andy Onsie– These are my favorite onesies! I just adore all of the cute prints they have. I know a lot of moms hate snaps, but I honestly don’t mind them. The material lays flater so they fit better in my opinion. She usually wears these during the day and at night zippers are key because they are just way easier when you are half asleep.
Bibs– These are the absolute best for feedings! They fit around their tiny necks and when they drool or the bottle leaks, it goes on the bib instead of their clothes. Even Kurt loves these so they must be good when he notices haha.
Stroller– We go on a walk usually every evening and this stroller handles like a dream. It moves so easy and turns on a dime. It is also super easy to fold down and transport.
Boppy Pillow and Cover– this is a must for feedings. I wasn’t using it for a few days and I couldn’t figure out why my back was hurting to badly. Well, its because I was hunching over. This allows the baby to sit up higher and closer to your body while they are eating.
Owlet Monitor– I was really skeptical about this monitor at first, but I am so glad we ended up getting it. When Sloane was first born my mom and good girlfriend kept bugging me about getting this. I didn’t think we really needed it because I had heard a lot of people that didn’t like it. Kurt was 100% for it so I ordered it and haven’t looked back since. It gives me such a sense of relief at night knowing that if anything were to happen, the monitor would go off and I would know about it. We have had a couple of scares, but it has only happened to be false alarms. And sometimes it goes off when it can’t get a good reading. So that just means the sock needs to be re-adjusted on her. It’s pricey but the peace of mind it gives me is priceless!
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xoxox Amanda
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