I cannot believe that one whole month has passed since Sloane started daycare. And overall it has been a great experience with a few hiccups here and there. I know a lot of moms are scared and nervous, rightfully so, sending their children to daycare. So I wanted to share our experience so far. The good, the bad and the ugly! And I also wanted to share some things you might want to have on hand if your little one is starting daycare anytime soon.
I think we always knew eventually we would send Sloane to daycare. The social interaction with other kids was really important to us and I knew she would benefit greatly from the experience. But to be honest, I was too nervous to send her right at three or four months when I was returning to work. She was just too small and at that point I wasn’t ready to leave her just yet. So we decided to hire a nanny! I could still see Sloane all day, but I wouldn’t physically be caring for her. It was a win win.
What I quickly realized about hiring a nanny is that you are solely relying on one person. That one person to be on time, not be sick, not have anything go wrong with their car, not have a doctor’s appointment, not be exposed to COVID, etc. And what I also wasn’t expecting was how hard it was to hear Sloane cry when I would be working (Kurt and I both work from home). I would want to rush downstairs to scoop her up, but I couldn’t because I was working.
Having a nanny was really nice and I’m glad for the transition, but in the end it wasn’t working for us. I was way too involved with Sloane’s schedule, feedings, etc. Every time I would go downstairs to grab a snack or fill up my water bottle I would get consumed in seeing her. Asking the nanny how things were going, etc.
First Day & Week of Daycare
Everyone warned me that the first day and week really would be rough. And we would all be in tears haha. But actually our first day was really smooth. There were no tears by either of us. Sloane went right to her teacher that morning as I explained her schedule and what not. I think she was just interested in what was going on and where she was. She was for sure a COVID baby because we sheltered her and really didn’t take her many places for fear she would get sick. So she was probably like, where am I?! I left that morning feeling confident. But I also think we were both ‘ready’ for this. We had just spend the last eight and a half months together and we were both ready for the next step.
So the first day went great for both of us. But actually I thought the second day was hard on me. I even shed a few tears while working that day. I think at that point, I realized that this was our new way of life. And this was how it was going to be. I also kept staring at the cameras that day and I would see her crying, look at the clock and realize she was hungry. And hope that they knew that and were making her a bottle.
The first week was rough in terms of her sleeping. She was a really good napper pre-daycare. But at daycare there is just too much noise and stuff going on. Plus she is in a new bed and sleeping environment. She would come home sooo tired from the day because she didn’t really sleep well. I always let her have a small nap when she got home. And then she would sleep so good at night! The second we would put her in her crib, she would be out for the night!
And like everyone told me, by the end of our first week, we were all sick! Sloane had brought home the stomach bug. I was 100% prepared for her to be sick. But what I wasn’t prepared for was for me to be sick with her. That was rough!
And then we finally got into a routine. Sloane still wasn’t napping the best at school. But I was told that was normal. She is still sleeping really well at night so I can’t complain. What I will say is that it is so nice for myself to have the extra time away from her. I feel a little guilty saying that because I love her so much and always want to be around her. But I feel recharged! I can solely concentrate on work all day. And in the mornings before work and in the evenings, I can solely concentrate on her. I feel like I was doing a better job!
It has also been really nice that I have my lunch break back. I run errands, clean and get all our grocery shopping done during the week. So then when the weekends come, I can concentrate on being a good mom and all of my attention goes to her.
My Final Thoughts
Overall, I love daycare and I am really happy with the one we choose too. Everyone is so nice and helpful and truly loves Sloane. But I would’t say it has all been smooth sailings either. I hate that Sloane comes home every day with food all over her. But maybe that is just the age she is too. I just don’t send her anymore in her ‘good’ clothes. I ended up buying her these really cute onesies that she now wears every day. They are cute, but inexpensive so when she gets food all over them I don’t mind. I have been using this stuff to get stains out, but it hasn’t been doing the best job so I actually just ordered this stuff to try. Everyone raves about it!
And her schedule at school is much different than at home and I am ok with that too. She stays up a bit longer at school, but after a month she is finally actually sleeping there. I love that she is around other kids- we call them all her friends! She is one of the younger kids in her class which is great. She sees the other kids crawling and walking which I think is a really great thing. Kurt and I both noticed this recently, but she just seems like a different baby. In a good way! She has more of a personality and an opinion. Maybe she always did but we were just around her too much to notice. Daycare has been a wonderful thing….for all of us. I am truly happy with our decision.
Items to Have on Hand
Sloane was sick that first week and then sick again her last week. Which is how everyone told me it would go. You are usually sick for 1-2 weeks and then safe for 2-3 weeks which has been true so far. Here are some items that have been helpful to keep on hand when she is sick. Always consult her pediatrician which I think is a no brainer. I call and talk to the nurses almost every day when Sloane is sick. I would rather keep them informed and get their opinion when she’s not feeling well. They are super helpful!
- Tylenol and Motrin (if your baby is over 6 months old) are a given. Stock up on these because you don’t want to run out in the middle of the night! I’ve recently realized that Motrin works better for us. It kicks in a lot quicker and lasts longer. And helps to take the pain away a lot faster.
- Frida Nose Sucker– I actually got this from my baby shower and didn’t realize at the time just how much I would use it. This thing works so well…and is so gross. I love to hate it! Don’t forget extra filters.
- If baby has a stuffy nose, in addition to the nose sucker, I have found that this spray really helps to loosen everything up. And these wipes are really nice because they are more gentle on their nose. And I swipe this under her nose to help too. I also add this to her chest too. I got that in this kit. If her nose is really stuffy, I will use one of these bath bombs in her bath and they really help to clear her up! And I will add these vapor drops to her humidifier at night.
- A thermometer is a must! I have this one. Really anything by this brand has been amazing! I also have a head thermometer, but mine doesn’t work very well. It is always a couple of degrees lower, which could be a big difference. I’ve had this one in my cart that I have been meaning to order for a while now.
Hope your transition to daycare goes smoothly and these tips help you out!
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xoxox Amanda
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