For the Beach:
For a BBQ:
For the fireworks:
Need some outfit inspiration for the 4th of July? I’ve got you covered! Whether you plan on going to the beach or pool, to a BBQ or the fireworks this weekend or on the 4th of July- here are some really cute options you could wear! I love the colors red, white and blue individually. But you put them all together- you are unstoppable!
On Friday we are headed out of town for the weekend to be with Kurt’s family. My parents actually live pretty close to the city we are going to, so they are going to meet us for lunch on Saturday. It’s is so hard when your family lives out of town, so any chance I get to see them puts a big smile on my face!
The only thing I hate about leaving town, is the pup can’t come! (insert epic sad face). We are renting a house and we don’t really know how the yard will be or what our plans will be all day. Last year, we took her to Kurt’s aunts house and while they were super welcoming of her, it was a lot of work for us! The yard isn’t fenced, so she had to be on a leash and they live really close to a road, so I was always on edge. It just wasn’t as relaxing with her being there- LOL. I know she will have tons of fun at daycare and she will barely notice we aren’t there. But I will still miss her sweet face and kisses!
I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend!
xoxox Amanda
P.S. Did you see my post from Tuesday? It has another really cute 4th of July option- check it out here!