One important thing to keep in mind before the start of each season is your personal style. You don't want to buy items that might not fit into the mold that you have created for yourself. Often times I see something cute and I purchase it right away. But after wearing it once or twice I realize that it's not really my style and it doesn't go with a lot of items in my closet. Lately I have been on a kick of spending a little more money on items, but knowing that I will wear them for multiple ... View the Post
Memorial Day Outfit Inspiration + The Best of Sales
Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend and I hope you are lucky enough to have the day off of work. This weekend I spent back in Michigan with family and friends. Saturday night we saw our friends from Germany who are in town and boy was it good to see them! I love when we can all be together and catch up. On Sunday we met up with another friend, her husband and their baby. It's amazing to see kids grow and how much they change in just a short period of time. ... View the Post
Off the Shoulder Top Under $40!
Can you believe this red, off the shoulder top is under $40?!?! It's $39.50 to be exact. I know, I could't believe it either. It's actually a bodysuit which I was a little skeptical about at first. But it is so comfortable and easy to wear. And you don't have to worry about tucking your shirt in all the time. This top also comes in navy and a blue/white stripe and it's perfect for summer! Speaking of summer, I always think of Memorial Weekend as the official start to the summer. It's ... View the Post
Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary
And just like that it's our third wedding anniversary. I can't believe how quickly three years has flown by. For anyone that knows me well, knows that I am obsessed with weddings. I have been my whole life. When I was younger and at the grocery store with my parents, I would BEG them to buy me bridal magazines. I was obsessed with looking at all of the pretty dresses and I always dreamed of being a bride. I had so much fun planning our wedding. Yes, at times it was stressful, but I enjoyed ... View the Post
Addison’s Second Birthday
Yesterday, our pomsky puppy turned two and I can't get over how fast time has gone by! It seems like just yesterday we welcomed her into our family and now she is two years old. Or should I say she's a young adult now (she is 14 in dog years). She has completely changed our lifestyle- for the better and I seriously can't image what life would be like without her as our dog. When you think about getting a puppy, you think oh it's pretty easy. They just need to go to the bathroom, take them ... View the Post
Basic Tee and Denim Shorts in Charleston, SC
I wore this outfit, a basic tee and denim shorts, on our recent weekend trip to Charleston, SC. It was our first full day of sightseeing, so I was looking for comfort. The weather in Charleston was perfection. During the day it was hot and by nighttime it cooled down. The heat during the day was no joke. I wore jeans and a flowy top that you can read about in this post the first day we arrived. And after a few hours of walking around I was too hot. Jeans were just too warm to wear during ... View the Post