I’m really excited for today’s post! This will be the first, of many, around our home and the renovations/decor that we choose. When we bought our house, we knew it needed some work. The bones are great, but it had been neglected and we are so excited to bring it back to life!! I have so many ideas, but a lot of them will take time….and lots of money haha. It will be fun to look back in a year, two years, five years, etc. and see how we have transformed this home.
Today I wanted to share the paint colors in our home. This was not an easy decision at all for me! And I say me because, well, Kurt is color blind so everything looks the same to him. I was sooo stressed about picking out colors. I spent a few weeks beforehand researching colors and googling people’s homes. And in the end, I went in a completely different direction.
Originally I thought I wanted the whole house white. Just a plain, bright white. I love the look of it, but everything you see with white walls is new construction. So while, I loved it, I was a little hesitant it would look too stark in our old home. It wasn’t until my father-in-law made a comment that we should not do all white that I finally changed directions.
I had exactly one day to decide on paint colors and let me tell you- I was so stressed!! We had just closed on the house and met with the painter and he gave me his booklet of about a thousand colors to choose from. Everyone kept telling me- it’s just paint, you can always change it. Which is true. But we were spending a lot of money to have our home professionally painted. So if I did hate it, it would be a while before it could be changed. And worse, we were still living in Chicago. So I wasn’t able to see one wall painted and let our painter know I liked it or hated it. It was all or nothing!
The night we closed I think I was up all night googling paint colors and trying to decide. I came across this post by one of my favorite bloggers. Her home is also to die for! And it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders! I choose a lot of the same colors she has in her home and I absolutely love the way ALL of our rooms turned out. I actually couldn’t be happier! So here you go- the paint colors we choose in our home. Hopefully this helps you a bit in your decision.
I should also mention these photos are all unedited so you get an idea of the true color. I snapped these on my phone the day the movers came.
Paint Colors in Our Home
Living Room/Dinging Room/Kitchen

We choose Benjamin Moore Gray Mist and I absoulely love this color. It’s a really pretty creamy/beige/neutral white. It is exactly what I was looking for. It looks white, with a hint of color. It’s classy and neutral and just an all around great color. We have this in our living room, dining room and kitchen.
Master Bedroom

I knew I wanted a really pretty light blue and we choose Benjamin Moore Silver Mist.

This is where I stepped outside of my comfort zone a bit and went a little darker. But I love the way it turned out! The color is Benjamin Moore Cape May Cobblestone and it is the most beautiful dark gray color.

Originally, I wanted to whole house the same color (master bedroom, office, living room, etc.) and obviously I decided to go in a different direction. But I always knew I wanted the nursery a pretty, soft, light pink. We ended up choosing Benjamin Moore Paisley Pink and it came out exactly how I had envisioned it.
We didn’t have the entire house painted so we still have some rooms left to do so I will be sure to update this post once those get completed!
xoxox Amanda
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