Weeks 14, 17, 22, 26 (Dress)
Today I am 28 weeks along (7 months) and according to my app I have been following I am now just entering my third trimester. How in the world did we get here?! Time has flown by and I really cannot believe that we are mere months away from meeting this baby girl.
Recap of my Second Trimester
Everyone always says your second trimester is the best and I would have to agree with that. One of the more exciting things about the second trimester was our gender reveal we did with our families. We knew the whole time it was a girl, but it was so exciting to share with our family!
After that we started to tell all of our friends and extended family about the pregnancy. Since we still weren’t really seeing people in person due to Covid, we decided we would FaceTime or call as many people as we could. I’m sure many could guess why we were calling, but it was so fun sharing the good news with everyone. We had so many happy calls with our family and friends.
I finally started to get my energy back around weeks 12/13. I no longer needed a nap every day at lunch time. It was glorious! And I finally felt motivated to do things again. Simple tasks around the house weren’t exhausting anymore. And I was up for long walks again with Kurt and Addie.
And by around week 15 I was feeling pretty normal again. I no longer felt like I had to puke all day long and just sort of felt like myself. I was really nervous because at my 12 week appointment with my OB, she said usually most women are feeling better by now- meaning not feeling like they have to throw up all the time. And I was really nervous the sickness would never go away. But it did!
Week 15 was when a lot of anxiety hit me. Kurt and I had been living in this little bubble of knowing we were pregnant and while it was amazing to share the happy news with our family and friends and to finally be feeling like myself again- I was just anxious about it all. Somehow the sickness was my security blanket and in a way it made me feel better knowing something was going on.
At this point, we decided to hit pause on telling people and just ride it out for a week or so. It was also the longest I had gone without hearing the heartbeat or having a doctors appointment (I had an appointment at 12 weeks and then my next one was at 16 weeks). Previously, I was going every couple of weeks and while those appointments were also very nerve wrecking, they made me feel a lot better after leaving them knowing she was still healthy in there.
At 16 weeks, we had an early anatomy scan. Not because anything was wrong, but because due to our past history, my doctor wanted the extra and early reassurance that baby was healthy. After that doctor’s appointment I felt so much better about everything. And after that we continued to share the good news with our family and friends.
By around 17/18 weeks was when I really think I started to pop and have a belly. Up until then I could hide it with lose clothing and you didn’t really notice it until I lifted up my shirt.
At 18 weeks was when I felt her move for the first time. At my appointment with my OB at 16 weeks, she went over what I should be looking for and what it might feel like so I was really anxious to finally feel her. It was Easter Sunday and I was relaxing on the couch and Kurt was doing some work next to me. And out of no where I said to Kurt- I think I just felt her move! It felt like little bubbles. I was a little unsure at first, but then I kept feeling it. And I knew my stomach wasn’t upset or anything. So I knew it was her!
At 20 weeks, we had our anatomy scan and everything was perfect. Truly I couldn’t have asked for a better appointment. Baby was healthy, measuring in the 78th percentile and there were zero concerns! This was the week we also did our photoshoot with Sarah to announce our pregnancy. And by 21 weeks we made it Facebook official!
We decided to wait a little longer than most just because that 20 week ultrasound was a big milestone for us. It gave us such a peace of mind knowing that everything was developing and growing as needed. We needed that reassurance so we could truly celebrate this gift.
By 22 weeks, Kurt could put his hand over my belly and feel her kicking which was amazing for him. He was getting jealous and kept saying that her and I have this little secret together that he isn’t part of haha.
And by 23 weeks, we could see my belly move because her kicks had gotten so strong. That is a really crazy thing to see! She is always really active at night so we love to watch her roll around in there before we head to bed.
A few other random things that happened during the second trimeter-
- I made my registry. I actually found this kind of overwhelming because there are just so many products to choose from. Luckily, I have lots of friends who helped me out. And we are so lucky and fortunate to have so many friends that are letting us use their items, so we don’t need much!
- We started to pick out names. I found this app called Kinder that is kind of like Tinder where you swipe if you like or name. And you both do it and it will let you know if there is name or match that you both liked. We have it narrowed down to our top 3 names. But we plan to wait until she is here to fully decide. I want to see what she looks like first!
- I started to do prenatal yoga. That has been the most amazing thing for my back. And as my belly grows it helps sooo much! I have been doing it twice a week, but I really need to do it more often because I always feel so much better when I do it.
- Randomly, I also started doing 25 squats a day. A blogger I follow said she was doing this during her pregnancy to help prepare of birth. So I thought, well it can’t hurt!
- Week 20 was when I officially passed up Kurt in the weight department haha. We knew this was coming because Kurt is so skinny. And every night we would die laughing at each other because I was getting so close to him. And officially by 20 weeks I passed him up!
- We both agreed I would get the Covid vaccine after doing a ton of research on it. I got mine at 18 weeks and the second one at 22 weeks and am now fully vaccinated. I know I did the right thing to protect myself and also give baby girl the antibodies. As the world is now slowly opening back up, I feel so much safer knowing I have that added layer of protection.
- At 22 weeks, I puked for the first time haha. I had jut gotten my second Covid vaccine and was not feeling the best that day. At the time of the day, I was being lazy and decided to eat an apple and then go lay down to rest. Well, that was a really bad idea because the apple just sat in my chest and I had the worst indigestion. It actually was a relief to puke! Kurt was really nervous though because he thought it was a reaction to the vaccination. But I am almost positive it was just my stupidity.
- Week 25 was when people really started to notice that I was pregnant. One night Kurt and I were out on a walk and two different people stopped us to congratulate us on our pregnancy. I guess at this point, I was out of the is she pregnant or did she just gain a lot of weight phase haha
- We officially closed on our home in week 25 too. I can’t even begin to explain how excited we are for this new adventure and to be closer to family. I can’t wait for the home renovations and decorating to begin!
- My first baby shower was in Chicago at week 26 with all of my girlfriends. It was the BEST day ever!! I think I’ve mentioned this before, but we are having quite a few smaller showers which I love the idea of this. They are small and intimate and I can socialize with everyone without feeling overwhelmed. We both got so spoiled and everything just turned out so pretty. I’m so grateful for my girlfriends for putting it all together. You can see pictures from the day here.
Weight Gain
I actually packed my scale a few weeks ago so I don’t know the exact number, but my guess is I’ve gained around 25 pounds. I’ve never weighed this much before in my life. But honestly, it hasn’t bothered me. I’m still feeling really good and all that matters is baby is healthy. And I know it will all come off with time.
What I’ve Bought
We bought our rocker! Somehow I talked Kurt into driving over an hour to the suburbs to go the the Pottery Barn Kids Outlet one Saturday. And we found the perfect rocker! And also saved a ton of money.
My in-laws bought us our crib! I am so anxious to get this set up and see how it looks. I know she won’t be sleeping in it for a few months at least, but still! In a few weeks, I plan on sharing all of my ideas for her nursery. Honestly, I can’t wait to finally start ordering items and see how it all comes together.
I’ve also bought a ton of clothes! Little girls clothes are just so cute so it is hard to resist. I’m trying not to go too overboard because some of my friends have generously given me clothes and I’ve already received so many cute clothes as gifts!
I also had to buy some new clothes for myself haha. Maternity clothing is not the most fashionable, but you really just need some good basics! Some of my favorites so far are these tees, this pair of jeans and this pair of jeans, and tight dresses like this one!
Overall, this trimester has been a whirlwind! And we have been so busy especially since we just bought a home and will be moving! I am so anxious to get settled in the coming weeks and really start preparing and decorating for this little baby!
xoxox Amanda
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