I know this a very specific blog post today. But if you are in the market for for a new high chair keep reading. Today, I am going to spill my thoughts on the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair. The good, the bad and everything in between!
When I was pregnant and making my registry, this high chair was my top pick. Every review I read, everyone always had great things to say about. The only downfall for me was that it was really expensive. We had just bought a new house, were moving to another state and having our first baby. It was an expensive year! So surely, there had to be something else that was just as good. And I couldn’t get over the fact that it just did not look comfortable!
I ended up registering and later received this high chair and didn’t think anything of it. At around six months old, we started solids and that is when I pulled out the high chair. And I hated everything about it. Every meal we ate, I began to get more and more upset with the high chair I had chosen. My main concern was that it did not prop her up. She sort of was always slumped over in it. And it really scared me that she was going to choke because of the position she was in. I tried rolling up towels and propping her up more, but it didn’t work that well. And I really hated that her feet didn’t touch the foot rest. Everything I had read said it was really important for their feet to be planted while eating.
Not to rag on this high chair because I think eventually as she grew and could sit up a little better on her own, I would have grown to like it. But I just didn’t think it was worth it to wait months and months until she properly fit into her high chair. I wanted her eating experience to be a good one. So after about a month, I decided to sell our high chair and purchase the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair.

Sloane around 9 months
Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair Review
From day one, I loved this high chair, especially compared to the one we were using. It pushed her up so she sat upright. She could reach the tray very easily. And her feet were able to be flat while eating. Everything was wipeable so it was easy to clean. Or toss in the dishwasher. It really made our eating experience a good one- for both of us because I knew she was in a safe position to eat properly. This gave me a big piece of mind! When they are so tiny and just learning to eat, it can be really nerve wrecking!
Originally, we used the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair with the tray. The tray was a little tricky at first to get undone. But once you figure it out, it is really easy to use.
And I bought the cushions to use, which were a complete waste of money. Going back to my original thoughts that this high chair looked really uncomfortable, I thought the cushions were a must. Turns out babies are really messy when they eat! So we never used the cushions or else I would have been washing them every day and that was just too much!
After Sloane turned one, we stopped using it wiht the tray and would pull her up to the table so she could sit with us. I really liked that aspect about the chair a lot. She felt much more involved and like she was an adult! We could all eat together at one table.
Overall, I did really like and enjoy this high chair. We didn’t use it for that long though. A lot of people say they use it up until three years of age (I think you can even use it longer if you want to), but Sloane just didn’t seem to like it anymore and there were things that were starting to get very frustrating for us.
For one, once we stopped using the tray and as Sloane got a little bigger, the seat part was really easy to come undone which made me really nervous that she would somehow fall out of it on accident. We would obviously watch her. But sometimes you have to run back into the kitchen to grab more food and what not, so it always made me a little nervous to keep her unattended for even that short amount of time.

Sloane around 12 months
The straps are so incredibly hard to adjust. Kurt would have to watch YouTube after YouTube video and it was still really hard to figure out. I am pretty sure they make it that way so the kids can’t adjust them, but they are way too difficult. And they are way too short. As Sloane grew into a toddler, she loved to practice her standing skills in her high chair. It made me really nervous she would tip too far forward and fall out or somehow tip the chair over. So to make her stop doing that we would always strap her in. But as she got older, the straps didn’t adjust long enough for her and they were really tight on her. And she’s not a very tall kid either- she’s always been in the 30% percentile for height related to kids her age.
Ultimately, I think that is why she started to hate the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair. She hated the straps, but we had to strap her down because she would try and stand up. Meal time started becoming dreaded for all of us. I decided to try this $20 booster seat for her, which still had a strap. And it was a game changer. She loved it! We loved it! And at 19 months we were ready to sell and move on from the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair.

Sloane around 17 months
- Great for young babies because it is all adjustable and can fit them perfectly
- Nice design and looks great with your home décor and in your kitchen
- Very solid and sturdy
- Great re-sale value
- Easy to clean and wipe down
- Can use for many years (this was a con for us, as we only used it for about a year. But every situation and child is different!)
- Expensive (also don’t waste your money on the cushions!)
- The straps are very hard to adjust
- Using it without the tray makes the seat part a little flimsy. Maybe this is just our experience, but without the tray it very easily would come off.
In the end, I really did like and enjoy the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair and would purchase it again. I especially loved it when we were first starting out with solids as it set us with up a good experience! I just wished we would have been able to use it a little longer as it was quite an investment.
xoxox Amanda
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