1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10.
If you are like me you like seeing all the random things other people buy off of Amazon. Because, let’s be honest Amazon literally has it all and you can buy a multitude of items. Here are the last 10 items I bought from Amazon:
1. Glass Storage Containers
I finally decided it was time to be a real adult and have real tupperware containers haha, so I bought these. And have been really impressed with them. They clean up so much easier than the plastic ones and the lids actually go on easily. I always have so many issues with the plastic ones and the lids not fitting. The only issues I’ve found with these, if you are carrying multiple containers in your lunch tote, it tends to get heavy.
2. GoMacro Organic Marcobars
I’m always on the hunt for the perfect protein bar to eat on the go. I like to throw them in my bag when I’m out and about so I’m never hungry and these ones are so delicious. It took me a few bars to get use to the texture of them because they are harder and a little sticky, but they taste so good! And they really fill you up. Sometimes I’m full just after eating half it, so I will save the rest for a later time. The only flavor I’ve tried is the Sunflower Butter Chocolate and it’s delicious!
3. Temptations Cat Treats
We can’t forget about all of our pets!! These are the kitties favorite treats. In fact I think this is just about all that they will eat. My mom has tried sending them fancy organic kinds and they won’t touch them. They must rather prefer their Temptations! So we buy them in bulk and stock up.
4. Sage Smudge Stick Bundle
So I think we have a ghost in our current apartment. A couple of weeks ago, I was woken up in the middle of the night to the TV on in the bedroom. And there is NO WAY for the TV to go on because we haven’t had a controller for it in years (it got lost in a move somewhere along the lines), so no one rolled over on the controller and turned it on. The TV can only be turned on by hitting the power button on the actual TV. It really has us freaked out because it’s happened a couple of times since then too! So I bought some sage to cleanse the apartment and I will use it again for the new place when we move in a couple of weeks.
5. Blue Buffalo Blue Bits Bits
As you may know if you follow me on Instagram, but we’ve been having a few issues lately with Addie. She has been a bad girl and has decided to completely destroy our leather chair. Oh you know just the most expensive piece of furniture that we own!!! The girl has good taste at least. Either way, we can’t have her doing that to our stuff, so we’ve gone back to the basics and started reinforcing training she learned as a puppy. And we reward her with these treats. She loves them!
6. Ice Scraper
I had to buy a new one for my new car!!!! Of course, I didn’t want to be caught in a snow storm and not be able to clean my car off because that is really dangerous. So Amazon to the rescue!
7. Folex Carpet Cleaner
The cleaner is amazing and has saved me in so many ways! I was watching a blogger talk about it on her Instagram stories (do you follow Katey?). Anyway, her toddler had just gotten crayon on her beige colored couch and she was using this cleaner to get it out. And it came out with just a few quick sprays and wipes. I was impressed! And this was about the time we had just gotten our new couch in, so I needed a good cleaner so we didn’t ruin the couch. Addie doesn’t care if her feet are dirty or not when she jumps on the couch and this helps to get the stains out when she’s not being careful haha.
8. Dog Treat Wheeler Toy
We decided Addie needed some mind toys to keep her busy and to stop destroying our chair and we landed on this one. We gave it to her the day it was super, super cold in Chicago and Kurt and I were both working from home. And she absolutely loved it! It kept her busy for hours and hours.
9. Hydro Flask Coffee Mug
I bought Kurt this mug for Christmas and decided I also needed one for myself. It keeps your coffee nice and hot. And I love that I’m not wasting paper cups every day.
10. Travis Mathew Hat
This was actually a purchase Kurt made and I thought I would add it on because I know here and there people request men’s items. But Kurt is obsessed with this hat brand. I think he owns at least 10 hats by this brand- no joke! What is it with guys and hats?! They all start to look the same to me, ha.
What are some of your favorite items you buy from Amazon?
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xoxox Amanda
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not ALL hats look the same!!! 😡