And just like that it’s our third wedding anniversary. I can’t believe how quickly three years has flown by. For anyone that knows me well, knows that I am obsessed with weddings. I have been my whole life. When I was younger and at the grocery store with my parents, I would BEG them to buy me bridal magazines. I was obsessed with looking at all of the pretty dresses and I always dreamed of being a bride. I had so much fun planning our wedding. Yes, at times it was stressful, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I knew exactly what I wanted and I was a very decisive bride. At the end of our wedding, I literally BAWLED my eyes out because our wedding was over (there is a youtube video out there somewhere of it!). And for weeks after the wedding, I had slight depression because it was over.
Here are some of my favorite moments from our wedding that I still think about:
- I was so incredibly nervous the morning of the wedding. I don’t know why because I had absolutely no fear or regret in marrying Kurt. I felt like at any point I could have puked.
- Kurt and I were so excited to see each other after I walked down the aisle. We chatted the whole time the priest gave the sermon. I remember looking over at my mom and she was giving us the quiet sign. But we just couldn’t stop!
- After we received the gifts at church, Kurt was in charge of holding the wine. He was trying to help me with my dress and ALMOST spilled red wine all over me. I might have killed him!
- My first dance with my dad was really special. You can tell from the pictures that we were both very happy the whole time.
- We danced the night away! I made sure we ate dinner early enough because I just wanted to dance and let loose. I was on the dance floor the entire night!
- Our friends surprised us with glow sticks when Kurt’s favorite techno music came on. I remember being so confused as to where they came from! I knew I didn’t purchase them, but it was so much fun!
- Kurt got roasted by his brothers in their best men speech. It was hilarious and so on point.
- While we were getting ready, my grandma was sooo concerned about how Samara (my cousin and flower girl) would wear her hair. That is all she would talk about! Didn’t she know I was the bride haha?
- After the wedding, Kurt and I were so exhausted and our feet hurt from standing all day that we took a long, hot bath!! We had this huge jacuzzi tub and it was so delightful and relaxing.
- We got so incredibly lucky with the weather. Kurt likes to think it was God putting in a good word for him because he become a Catholic in order for us to get married in the church. It literally snowed the weekend before, but it was bright, sunny and 70 degrees the day of the wedding!
- When we were waiting for the trolley to pick up myself and my bridesmaids, I was so incredibly nervous and anxious. Samara (my flower girl) walks up to me with so much sass, hand on her hips and says ‘I look better than you today.’ Our photographer happened to capture my expression on camera and it was priceless!
- Kurt and the groomsmen almost made me late for my own wedding. I wanted them to get to the church first because I didn’t want them drinking too much (pretty smart, huh?!!), but by doing that they had to take the trolley first. They took their time and even stopped to get alcohol on the way. So that in turn, I got to the church later than expected. I was there 10 minutes before I walked down the aisle!
After the wedding, everyone always asks you how married life is. At first, I didn’t see much of a difference. We had already lived together previously and had gotten all of the arguments out of the way about who cleans what, where the dishes go, who does laundry, etc. We joined bank accounts shortly after we got engaged, so we were use to working as a team on our finances (or as my husband would call me the CFO, since he leaves a lot of the bill paying up to me). After some time, things did start to change. You notice a difference in your relationship- we became a team! We stick up for each other, we have each other’s best intentions and we are each others biggest cheerleaders. Kurt and I started to plan our life together and had discussions about when we would have kids, where to travel, where we want to live, etc. I also tell people that I started to realize that if he were to die, I would really miss him haha. It sounds so morbid, but it’s true. I can’t imagine life without him.
Every year for our anniversary, we said we would go on a weekend trip to a new city. Our first anniversary, we flew to New York City for the weekend and had so much fun! We saw every tourist attraction and ate delicious food. It was such a fun trip. For our second anniversary, life got in the way and our plans fell thru, so we spent it in Chicago. One tradition that I have not given up on is my anniversary gift to Kurt. Every year I give him a “traditional gift.” For example, year one is paper. My gift to Kurt was a (paper) painting of a saying ‘Love, Love, Love’ which he says to me all the time. I have it hanging in our master bedroom. It also just happened to be in our wedding colors (blush, black and white) so it was the perfect gift! Year 2 is cotton and I got Kurt hand towels with our initials embroidered on them. Practical, I know! The third anniversary is leather. But you will just have to wait and see what I get him (I can’t spoil the fun, he reads my blog)!
Our marriage might not be perfect, but it’s perfect for us. Kurt- I can’t imagine sharing my life with anyone but you. You make me laugh constantly and have taught me to loosen up and enjoy life just a little bit more. Your hard work and dedication to the #faberfive never goes unnoticed, even if I don’t tell you that enough. I have never been more happy in life. Every day I can’t wait to come home to you and talk to you about your day. I see you every day, but I love the nights where I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages and we talk about all the things going on in our lives. This thing called life would not be life without you in it. I can honestly say I love you now more than the day I married you!
Happy 3rd wedding anniversary, Kurt Faber. I love you!!!!

You would have thought she was the bride!

Samara telling me she looked better than me

The Bridal Party’s reaction to the best man speech
Wedding Dress: Vera Wang, Ethel | Veil: Vera Wang | Kurt’s Tux: Vera Wang | Venue: Visions at CenterPointe, Traverse City, MI | Church: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Traverse City, MI | Flowers: Flowers by Marla Courtney Wood | Cake & Cupcakes: Cake Connection TC
What was your favorite part of our wedding?
xoxox Amanda
P.S. I was teary eyed the whole time I wrote this post!
Photos by WJ Photos