Heart Plates | Heart Pillow, similar here and here | White Plate | Fork | Knife | Pink Wine Glass, similar here and here | Glass | White Napkin | Pink Placemats | Rattan Vase | Faux Peonies, similar here | Rug | Table, similar here | Chairs | Chandelier | Artwork | Lamp | Lampshade
I feel like these types of post don’t really get much traction, but I am still going to do them because I actually love them! Do you set pretty tables for holidays? I do here and there. I used to do it more when it was just Kurt and I and I had a little more time. But I really want Sloane to remember her mom doing these pretty tables for all the holidays and making that particular holiday feel even more festive!
So I wanted to share my Valentine’s Day table! My mom actually bought me these adorable heart plates that I have wanted for years and just never pulled the trigger on. I always told myself I would buy them after the holiday- hopefully on sale. But I never did-so thank you mom! I couldn’t wait to play around with them and create something pretty for the holiday.
The plan is to re-create this pretty Valentine’s Day table again the weekend before the actual holiday and have a special breakfast. We usually make pancakes, but maybe I will try and find a new recipe to try! We can all wear our cute Valentine’s Day pj’s (I bought this pair for Sloane and they are adorable!), exchange a few gifts and be cozy all morning together!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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xoxox Amanda
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