^ I know this pic is a little blurry but it was too cute not to include!
Top: Zella (old), similar here | Jacket: J.Crew | Leggings: Zella | Shoes: Golden Goose, similar here
I know I haven’t updated the blog in a few weeks but that’s because…..we’re moving!! We’ve been so busy every weekend looking for an apartment….and buying a new car (more on that later).
It’s funny because I was pretty adamant about not moving. I mean, I love our place and for the past two years it has felt like home. We live in my favorite neighborhood, we love the building we live in and the people who manage it are all amazing and I love our space. Although it is small, it works for us right now. Kurt is actually the one who started the conversation about moving to a bigger place and it got me thinking. Maybe we really do need more space. So after the new year we contacted our real estate agent and decided to see what was out there.
And we fell in love with a place back in Bucktown! We use to live in this area a few years ago and loved it. But it’s defiantly a change from where we are living now. The last couple of years, the West Loop has blown up with all kinds of construction, chaos and tons of people. It’s like you are downtown. So in my opinion, it’s kind of lost its charm. And I hate fighting with all the traffic and people on a daily basis. And not to mention the rent is sky high because it is a very desirable neighborhood to live in.
Addie will actually have grass to go pee pee on and it’s defiantly more neighborhood like than where we live now. A very welcome change for us! The building we decided on is a brand new six floor building, so a lot smaller than what we are use to (our currently building is 29 floors) and we are giving up a lot of our amenities like the pool, dog area, front desk concierge. But it is all worth it to us because we are getting a ton more space AND our rent is a lot cheaper! Our new building does have an awesome roof top area with grills and chairs to lounge in with a beautiful view of the city. I can’t wait for the first nice night that we are able to sit up there with a glass of wine.
It’s funny because the things about the new place that I am most excited just make me laugh. I am so excited because we actually have a coat closet. Who would have thought this would have made me so happy haha? And the bedrooms have overhead lighting and we have a linen closet! Oh the little things. But seriously I don’t know why a lot of new buildings in Chicago don’t include those, but they don’t. So I am extatic for these small details.
Our new space is a LOT bigger. Addie will finally have some space to run around and feel like she can actually move a bit. But what I’m most excited about is I get to do a little decorating! The master bedroom is big enough for a king size bed- it’s actually enormous! So we bought a king size mattress (we went with a Casper) and I just ordered a new bed. So I will be sharing a lot more home decor posts this spring and summer as I finalize decorating, which I’m so excited for. I love decorating!
And because we are moving to a different area we had to buy me a car. Right now, I walk about 15 minutes to the train and take the train to work every day. The past few months I’ve been grumpy about it because I just hate walking when it’s pouring rain and freezing cold out. And this was one of the ways I was convinced we needed to move so I could start driving to work again. I would so much rather be sitting in traffic with my nice warm heated seat on then stomping thru the snow to the train.
So a couple of weeks ago we finally found a car and signed on the dotted line. I seriously couldn’t be more excited for my car!!!!!! This probably sounds cheesy, but it’s the car I’ve always dreamed of owning and now I finally own it. I’m so thankful for it!
And that’s where I have been the last few weekends- looking at apartments or car shopping. Who knew car shopping was such a long and time consuming process?! I can’t wait to share our new space once we finally get settled!
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xoxox Amanda
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I just love reading your stories, tell your mom and dad I said hi
, Sharon
I will- thank you!