Another week! Last week was really cold here in MI which was kind of a bummer because I’m ready and really excited for Spring. It really puts a damper on my mood when it’s cold and gloomy so I was really unmotivated to get stuff done. I also didn’t feel the best. I think Sloane caught another bug and I always get it. So I really rested and am now feeling a lot better! I went to bed early a few nights and also took a little snooze on my lunch break which helped so much! It’s amazing what sleep can do for you.
This past weekend we went to get donuts and coffee and then headed to the library. We have been doing this a lot lately and Sloane loves it. Plus it is a nice, free activity (minus the donuts and coffee haha).
And then Sunday we took Sloane to the mall to see the Easter bunny. Last weekend we say the bunny at a local book store and she loved it so much! She loves bunnies so I think seeing a life size bunny just blew her mind.
What I Wore

Sweatshirt | Jeans | Sneakers
I don’t really need anymore sweatshirts, but when I saw this blue in store- I had to have it. It’s a really nice fit and is really well made and soft. I wear this a ton. Plus I think it looks really cute with jeans. But don’t get me wrong, I also wear it with leggings too haha.

Sweater | Jeans | Ballet Flats
I have been wanting to try the baggy jean trend so I bought two pairs. I wore a pair last week and then I also got this white pair. They are so comfy and just so cute! I like the mix up and change honestly. I can’t wait to style these again soon.

Sweatshirt | Leggings | Sneakers
These are hands down one of the best pair of leggings you will own! And they are under $30, which makes them even better. I now own a couple of pairs because they are so good. They are soft, but still suck you in. And they are the perfect length. Highly recommend! And I really like this new sweatshirt I got. It’s longer which is a nice change up. These types of collars can get a little annoying, but this one has a slit in the back so it lays really nice and isn’t constricting.

Sweatshirt | Jeans | Sneakers
It was freezing this day so I was trying to inject a little sunshine with my bright sweatshirt. This is a really great alternative to a much more expensive sweatshirt. I actually own the more expensive version and I don’t see any differences! So- save your money and buy it from Amazon.

Sweatshirt | Leggings | Sneakers
We got a huge snowstorm this day so I just wanted to be comfy! This is my second pair of leggings from Beyond Yoga and I’m obsessed. They are softer than you could ever imagine. But also hold you in and show off your curves in all the right places. I’m highly impressed with this brand. And this sweatshirt is a favorite of mine. I wear it at least once a week. It’s just so good. I love the oversized fit of it.

We still had a lot of snow on the ground so comfy clothes were needed!

Sweater, similar here | Jeans | Sneakers
Couldn’t wait to style these white jeans again 🙂 We took Sloane to see the to the mall to see Easter bunny and she loved it. It’s so fun watching her get so excited on these special holidays.
Have a great week!
xoxox Amanda
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