What a week! It started out beautiful and it was so nice to spend more time outside in the evenings. I swear we all sleep so much better when we can go on a family walk after dinner! The fresh air is so good. And then things went a little sour. Thursday night we ended up losing powder in the middle of the night. Sloane randomly woke up. I’m not sure if she heard something weird or something from her sound machine. But I got up with her and noticed my monitor in our office was flickering. I was actually really creeped out by it. For whatever reason, I decided to turn the overhead light on in the office and it was really dull. And I was even more freaked out haha.
I then tried to turn on the bathroom light and that didn’t work, so by then I had put two and two together and realized we had lost power! This happens all the time to us and it’s incredibly frustrating especially because Kurt and I both work from home. When something like this happens it affects the workday too. Luckily, my in-laws who live up the street still had powder so we took over their dining room table and worked for a few hours. It ended up coming on around lunchtime when Kurt randomly went home to check.
Of course, I had just stocked up at Sam’s Club a few weekends ago so I was freaking out we were going to lose everything in our fridge. We got lucky this time, but it happens so much that we are considering buying something like this. At least to plug in our fridge. For the most part, when we lose powder it’s less than a day. But last summer it was out for a few days and we lost everything in our fridge. It was such a pain and a huge expense!
One more thing I wanted to share was I made this healthy taco salad recipe this week and it was amazing! The dressing is cottage cheese based (which I love), but even if you don’t like it, it doesn’t taste like cottage cheese at all. You blend it all up so you would never know. It was so delicious and so filling. I will be making this again soon! The only thing I would do differently is I would cook the chicken on the grill. I think it just tastes better that way. It wasn’t terrible in the oven, just better on the grill.
The Sephora sale also ends today if you need anything! Here is my current makeup routine and here is what I ordered from the sale. It’s a great time to stock up.

Top | Jeans | Ballet Flats | Headband
I forget how cute headbands can be when you don’t feel like doing your hair! Mine is from a few years ago, but this one is very similar.

Top | Jeans | Ballet Flats
I wore these jeans two days in a row this week! They are easily becoming my most worn and the ones I reach for all the time. I also can’t say enough good things about these ballet flats. They are incredibly comfortable and soft and so comfy to wear. I’m glad it’s starting to warm so I can wear them more.

I’ve been on the hunt for a new pair of white jeans and after returning several pairs, I landed on these. I love the longer length and baggier fit. They fit really well too. I tried these on in store and loved them immediately. If I had seen the photo online, I would have never bought them! So don’t let the photo fool you!

Sweatshirt | Leggings | Sneakers, similar here
This was the day we lost power so I just threw on what I could find haha. But really this is the best sweatshirt and if you don’t have it it yet, I highly recommend. It’s the best oversized fit and just so comfy

Sweatshirt | Jeans | Sneakers
I had so much to get caught up on with work and personal so I just wanted to be comfy!

Sweater | Jeans | Ballet Flats
Got so much done this Saturday! I cleaned our couch with this upholstery cleaner (it works so good!), washed all of the pillow covers, ran some errands and wallpapered our outlet and switch plate covers in our play room (more on that to come). It was a jam packed day!

T-shirt | Leggings | Sneakers | Sweatshirt, similar here
It was the most gorgeous Spring day so we decided to take Sloane to the zoo and it was such a fun filled morning! We saw so many animals, ate pizza, Sloane got her face painted (she got a teddy bear!), played on the playground and ate ice cream. A fun day for all of us!
xoxox Amanda
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